Chapter 6 - New Home

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Daichi and Kensei stepped out of the restaurant after paying the bill and headed in a new direction. "Why don't we get you some new clothes? I can tell those hand me downs are not really your type. Come on." Both the old man and young boy walked leisurely.

Kensei had a serene smile as he watched young Daichi take in the different sights. Daichi was looking around everywhere in wonder and using his observe skill on everything. His 'Observe' has leveled up even further and after checking out the level of several shinobi that passed by him, he came to a conclusion.

'Hmm... So I can see the level of someone up to 45 levels above mine. And the higher the level the less information. I can't read the level or stats of any of the shinobi wearing a chunin vest. Does that mean most chunin are above level 48? The highest levels I've read until now are Miss Aiko with level 47 and another teenager that just passed by with level 48.'

'But his description said he was someone who's been a genin for 6 years. But Aiko's description said she was a chunin... So that means there might be people with stats way beyond what their level shows.'

'Thinking about it, that makes sense. Rock Lee with his gates opened would have his physical stats boosted much further than someone of his same level. Ok I definitely shouldn't underestimate anyone, even if they are the same level or even a few below me.'

Due to making a logical and smart decision, you have obtained +1 WIS.

'Huh. So it agrees with me. Wait, is this system alive? Are you alive?' Daichi shouted in his mind. After several seconds of silence and no reply, Daichi felt like a fool for thinking the system could talk back and answer his questions like a person could.

"We're here."

Daichi was taken out of his thoughts when he heard Kensei speak. They were in front of a clothing store that was designed with several colors. One could see the different types of outfits in the store from the road through the glass window at the front. The name of the store was 'Hinshitsu.'

Kensei opened the door of the shop and it rang a bell. He stepped inside followed by Daichi. As soon as he stepped inside a notification appeared.

You have found a clothing outlet. Quest progression (2/7)

'Nice. Only 5 more to go for the next level.'

As they went inside a girl in her late teens greeted them. She was wearing a dress that made her look elegant and beautiful. She had brunette hair that was tied in a bun and was wearing pink lipstick. She had a slender figure and had a beautiful smile on her face.

"Hello. Welcome to Hinshitsu. My name is Ichika. How can I help you today?"


[LV. 8] [Ichika Kentaro]

Age: 18

HP: 812. CP:188

[Ichika Kentaro is the daughter of Massimo Kentaro. She is currently an employee of the clothing store Hinshitsu. She is a single woman with aspirations of owning her own designer clothing line in the future. She is an average person with no other noticeable aspects.]

Daichi used 'observe' and the system showed no interesting facts about the girl. However that didn't mean he would be impolite when talking to her.

"Hello young one, we're here to buy some clothes for my grandson." Kensei said with a smile.

She looked at Kensei and then at Daichi. She had a cute smile.

"Aww what an adorable grandson. Follow me."

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