Chapter 56 - End of the 2nd Academic Year

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It was the second semester exam week for the academy. Daichi stepped into the classroom and saw some students revising the lessons, a few not doing anything and the rest playing around.

Naruto, Shikamaru, Choji and Kiba belonged to the last group while Sakura and Ino were in the first. The moment Daichi stepped into class he knew he got their attention.

"Hey Daichi! Come on, come on!! We're gonna prank Daikoku sensei when he gets here. You wanna join us?" Naruto excitedly ran up to Daichi and asked. He had a wide smile on his face. Ever since the Yota incident he gained several valuable friends and he was happier than ever.

"Good morning to you too Naruto!" Daichi slightly sighed but still happily greeted his friend. "And to answer your question, No! I'm not going to join you in your pranks."

"Aww... Come on... It'll be fun!!" Naruto started whining.

"Give it up Naruto. He's not gonna join." Shikamaru came along and greeted Daichi.

"Hey Shikamaru. Didn't think you'd join him in pranks." Daichi smirked looking at the young Nara.

"I'm bored and didn't have anything better to do. Also Naruto threatened to dump water on my face whenever I take a nap if I didn't join him...Such a drag." Shikamaru sighed saying this.

"I didn't threaten you. I only implied it." Naruto said with a devilish grin.

"Hahaha...." Daichi let out a small laugh, hearing him. "The fact that you even know the word 'implied' is in itself scary... Have you studied for the exam?" Daichi asked Naruto even though he knew the answer.

"I'll be fine. I studied all day yesterday. Now it's time for some fun."

"Let's just get to our seats before sensei comes." Daichi moved to his usual spot in the back.

But Naruto went to the teacher's chair and put some glue on it. "This is gonna be awesome."

Shikamaru sighed looking at his friend's antics. "Our teacher is a chunin. He's not gonna fall for that."

"Oh yeah? Then what's your plan?"

"My plan was to sleep till the teacher got here and then answer just enough questions to pass and then go back to taking my nap. But since that's not gonna happen... I might as well help you." Shikamaru had a deadpan look on his face as he said the words.

Shikamaru helped Naruto set up a simple trap and went back to their seats.

Meanwhile Kiba and Choji were near Daichi watching Naruto and Shikamaru. Choji was munching on some snacks while Kiba tried to goad Daichi into a bet.

"Come on Daichi. Let's make this exciting. 20 Ryo says Daikoku sensei isn't gonna fall for that."

"That's obvious." Daichi muttered. "He wouldn't have been made a chunin if he fell for such a childish trap."

"What about you Choji? Wanna bet?" "Arf Arf?" Kiba and Akamaru looked at their big boned friend.

"No. If I lose my money then I won't be able to buy my snacks." Choji said, munching on the crisp potatoes.

It was at that moment that Daichi saw Sakura and Ino approaching. Daichi noticed Sakura subtly pushing Ino towards him.

"Hey Daichi! How was the holidays?" Ino asked. She had a small almost imperceptible blush on her cheeks as she spoke.

Having watched all sorts of anime and cartoons for a lifetime, Daichi was well aware of the romance cliches. 'Oh my god!! Does she have a crush on me? This can't be happening... Ok!! Keep cool Daichi. Just answer the question and pretend everything is normal.'

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