Chapter 171 - Team Guy VS Team Kakashi

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It was early morning and Kakashi as usual was standing in front of the Memorial stone. Each time he came here it reminded him of his failures. His failure to keep his promise to Obito and his helplessness when the Nine tails attacked.

'Minato sensei. I have a student who reminds me a lot of you. Well in his inherent shinobi talents anyway... It's only been four days and already he's started learning the final step of change in chakra nature training... His work ethic, focus and talent... It reminds me a lot of you sensei... I just hope I can guide him correctly. Just as you did for me.'

"Kakashi! I thought I might find you here."

The silver haired Jonin was brought out of his thoughts by the sound of his friend and rival.

"Hey Guy." Kakashi greeted the man in a monotonous tone without looking away from the stone.

The Jonin Might Guy walked and stood near his friend and looked at the sacred stone. His boisterous demeanor calmed down as he read the names of his comrades who had passed away during the last decades. After a minute of silence he decided to drag Kakashi away from here and cheer him up.

"Come on. Let's go for a walk." The man said, placing a hand on Kakashi's shoulder.

"Maybe another time Guy."

"No excuses. It's been a while since we've challenged each other." Not taking no for an answer Guy dragged his rival away from there.

"Oi Guy, wait a minute." Kakashi protested but the Taijutsu master could tell that the protests were half-hearted and his rival was glad to have him there.

They walked for a few minutes and reached a clearing.

"Don't you have a Genin team to train Guy?" Kakashi asked the Jonin.

"They'll be fine on their own for one afternoon. They will keep training and improve their skill even if I'm not there. Their PASSION, their YOUTHFUL SPIRIT! IT FLOWS DEEP IN THEIR BONES.!" Guy smirked wide and shouted out to the heavens.

Kakashi sweatdropped at his friend's theatrics. "I'll take your word for it."

Guy then turned to Kakashi. "And besides I could ask the same of you. You know you're supposed to be guiding your student. So why aren't you with him right now?"

"He's in the middle of something delicate at the moment. And I'm sure he doesn't need my help." The silver haired Jonin replied.

Guy just smiled hearing that and got excited at the thought of challenging his rival. "Well then I guess you have some time to spare. Since I'm leading with a score of 46 to your 45 this is a good opportunity for you. This will be our 92nd battle. READY!?"

Hearing Guy's declaration of challenge, Kakashi got ready. He slightly slid his right foot back and brought his right arm up and got ready. His challenger also prepared himself and brought his arm up.

The next second the battle between two of the strongest Jonin in the Leaf village began.

"Rock, Paper, Scissors!"

Guy would challenge Kakashi every once in a while. And they would both play Rock, Paper, Scissors. The winner of that match gets to set whatever challenge he wants between the two.

Both of them brought their hands down and each chose paper.

"Rock, Paper, Scissors!"

They went again and this time they both had Rock. They brought their hands up for the next bout.

"Rock, Paper, Scissors!"

"Rock, Paper, Scissors!"

"Rock, Paper, Scissors!"

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