Chapter 106 - Battle on the 5 Floors.

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As Daichi walked up the stairs he checked his status page and skill list. His thoughts drifted to the speed of his progress.

'Now I'm at level 42. But my level progression has considerably slowed down. Looks like until I become a Genin and take missions I won't have many ways to increase my EXP other than dungeons. And this is the last Key dungeon I have at the moment. I haven't found any more.'

Daichi looked ahead and saw that he was almost at the entrance to the next floor.

'Even though the enemies were almost 20 levels higher than me, I defeated them without any lethal injury to myself. The passive skills are doing a great job. But that alone wouldn't have been it! Their stats must not be that high compared to their level. It's the only explanation I can think of...'

Daichi reached the top of the stairs and opened the door to the next floor.

The room was large just like the one in the previous floor. Daichi glanced at the mini-map and saw no red dots.

'My map isn't registering any enemies. Looks like these guys can hide from the Mini-Map. But it's a good thing I have other ways of finding my opponents.'

Daichi immediately used Mana scout. Along with that skill and his exceptional senses he was able to deduce that there were 9 enemies in the room. All hidden waiting for their chance to strike him.

'Never give your opponent the chance to dictate the battle. Make the first move Daichi.'

Daichi created 3 clones and the next moment all 4 of them were evading shuriken projectiles. Several shuriken appeared between Daichi's fingers and he threw them at 4 of the enemies hidden in the shadows of the room.

The next second several black shadows moved and the dungeon ninjas appeared before Daichi.

'9 of them in total. And all of them are Level 59. And it seems there are swordsmen.'

Daichi quickly analyzed them and the battle began.

Each ninja had two swords strapped to them. Daichi took out his sword and clashed with his opponent. This time there was a change in the battle tactic. Daichi would battle alone while his 3 clones would work as a team.

Daichi thought about this as a way to improve his coordination so he can fight better alongside his clones when he goes up against stronger ninjas.

Sparks flew and the sounds of swords clashing could be heard everywhere. The dungeon ninjas didn't use Ninjutsu or Genjutsu but their Taijutsu and sword play was impressive.

Daichi was able to narrowly avoid serious lethal injuries to himself but there were some small cuts on his body. He deflected a strike with his sword and evaded another and punched the dungeon ninja closest to him.

Daichi's speed allowed him to get inside their defenses and he unleashed several lethal strikes. In seconds the first guard ninja of the second floor was destroyed.

[Enemy killed.]

+850 Exp.

+127.5 Exp.

[Enemies killed: 11/55]

Unlike Daichi, his clones used everything they had. From Taijutsu to Genjutsu and Ninjutsu. Since one precise blow from the enemy could reduce them to smoke they were careful. This also helped them increase the level of skills such as body flicker jutsu, Telekinesis, chakra enhancement, chakra flow and more.

A clone would restrain the enemy with chakra threads while another deliver finishing blows or they would use telekinesis to shift the trajectory of the sword swings helping them evade it easier.

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