Chapter 66 - Uchiha Clan Massacre - Prelude 01

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Itachi Uchiha.

Itachi walked with heavy slow steps and soon reached his destination.

'This place... This is where I made my promise to Shisui... Before he gave his life for everyone's sake.'

It was the cliff where Shisui committed suicide and the place where he entrusted Itachi with the future of the Uchiha clan and the village.

'Tomorrow the clan will launch the coup.'

Itachi sat down and thought about the last twelve years of his life. Each important moment from the twelve years of his life flickered to his mind and vanished. He closed his eyes and the memories of his childhood appeared.

'It all began that day...'

Itachi Uchiha, who had only turned four recently, was standing in the rain. The rain poured down so heavily that he had trouble opening his eyes.

"Remember this moment, Itachi. Burn this image into your heart. This battlefield... This is the truth of the ninja world." Fugaku Uchiha's words pierced through the sound of the rain and reached Itachi's ears.

Dozens upon dozens of bodies scattered all across the battlefield filled the child's vision. The ninjas wearing the leaf forehead plates and the rest from other lands. The numerous dead bodies covered the earth. All of their faces showed nothing but misery and pain. None of them at peace, as they surrendered to their inevitable death.

"This war will end soon. And in a few years you'll become a ninja. But the truth is battles between ninjas never end. We kill our enemies so that our allies can live. This is the world you'll step into."

Fugaku's cold hearted voice filled his head. Itachi couldn't move as he looked ahead... Itachi felt a tightness in his heart and he could barely endure it. His fists clenched and face tightened. He was determined not to cry. The child desperately tried to control himself but he failed to stop the tears that came spilling out.

'Are the ninja arts and chakra techniques only for fighting and causing destruction? No. It can't be. There has to be more to this than senseless death and chaos.'

Itachi opened his eyes and brought himself out of that memory. He let out a slow tired breath. 'Father wanted to show me the reality of this world. He wanted me to see what he saw and understand what ninjas are... But he failed to see what I did and what I understood that day.'

Itachi never accepted his father's concept of a ninja and chose to take another path.

'I never forgot that day. I promised myself that I would become stronger. Stronger than anyone else so that I could become a deterrent to all the wars and pointless deaths... But now... All of those efforts...Meaningless.'

Itachi thought about the end of the third world war and the beginning of the new Hokage's reign.

The third Hokage decided to end the fighting with the stone village despite the war flowing in the Leaf village's favor. The decision to not seek reparations were opposed by many and in order to keep the stability of the village Hiruzen Sarutobi stepped down from the position of Hokage and handed the title to the hero of the war Minato Namikaze. And the village slowly began to recover.

'That day when Minato was selected as the fourth Hokage, Yashiro, Inabi and Tekka confronted my father at the house and showed their dissatisfaction. They were angry that father's name wasn't considered for the position despite his efforts in the war. That day their meeting... It was filled with malice. It was the same as that battlefield...'

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