Chapter 14 - Inventory Skill and Chakra Unlocking

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The sound of an alarm clock rang throughout the room. Daichi opened his eyes. It was his 3rd day waking up in this world. He got up, turned off the alarm and got ready for the day.

He went downstairs to meet his grandpa. He had his breakfast and went back to his room. There were two main things he had to do today.

Testing the abilities of his Inventory skill and chakra unlocking.

He took out all the things he bought yesterday. There were several pens of the same shape and size and a couple others that were different. 2 stopwatch timers of the same built. The book on horticulture and cooking, along with the several pairs of dresses he bought with his grandfather the first day. Finally he took out the small cage with the white mouse in it.

"Ok. Time to see just what my inventory can do... Inventory." He called out lightly.

A small window with dozens of empty boxes appeared. The first test. He wanted to see if time moved differently in the inventory space. So he set the 2 stopwatch timers and stored one in his inventory while he set the other in front of him. It will take some time to see the results so he proceeded with the next test.

He put 5 pens of the same color and shape. All from the same maker into the inventory. He saw that only one box was taken and saw a multiplier of 5 marked underneath the box.

He then stored the remaining pens but since they were different colors and built they took up another two boxes.

'Hmm.... So even though they were the same items - pens, since they were different they took up different spaces. Probably the same for books and other stuff like scrolls or weapons.'

'I also should have several sets of clothes set and stored. For battle, camouflage, stealth, training and more... '

Daichi then stored the books on horticulture and cooking in his inventory. Just as he suspected, they took up two boxes. Daichi was thoroughly testing the inventory skill because he only had 35 slots.

He needed to know if the slots would increase with each level up. He wanted to make sure he had some slots free in case he needed to store something unexpectedly while at the same time he had all the necessary items he would need.

Now time for his final and most important test. To see if his skill can hold anything living. He took the small mouse from the cage and tried to place it in his inventory slot.

A red notification appeared.

[Warning. Action Denied. Cannot store living creatures. Only exceptions are during special conditions.]

He put the mouse back in the cage and read through the message again.

'So under special circumstances I can store living beings. Need to look into that later.'

For his final test he put two sets of clothes in two slots. 'Equip.'

His current outfit changed to the one he imagined instantly. And then he thought about taking the pen and it appeared in his right hand. When he thought about his inventory he could see a subspace with all the stored items. It seems he could directly equip clothes and other items from his inventory.

'It seems I will be able to equip weapons and armor in an instant. A very useful ability indeed.'

Daichi went through various tests he deemed necessary and was happy with the outcomes. Around 30 minutes had passed. It was time to find out the results of the first test. He wanted to see if there was a time difference between the real world and inventory.

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