Chapter 127 - Interlude 07 - Daichi's Training / Rookie 9's Exam

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Fire Capital.

Several months had passed since Tsunade accepted Daichi as her student. He completed the basic training within the first month and Tsunade started him on Medical ninjutsu training.

Right now Shizune and Daichi were in the operation theater going over the medical history of Daichi's new patient. Tsunade was several feet behind them in a chair looking over the patient's medical files.

"Patient 47 years old, condition critical. Has sustained minor injuries on the left leg, bruises on left arm and torso but has a severed right arm." Daichi spoke as if giving a report.

"What's the next step?" Shizune questioned Daichi.

Daichi carefully looked over every injury the man had and quickly came to a conclusion. "Give priority to the critical wound and create a viable treatment. And then proceed to the other minor injuries."

"Good. Examine the injury and determine the damage."

Daichi examined the severed limb and the arm on the table in great detail. It took a few minutes but he completed his analysis.

"The skin, bone, muscles, blood vessels and tendons have a clean cut. The weapon is most probably a thin but sharp sword. Restoring blood flow. Chances of a successful surgery is over 88%. Beginning limb reattachment surgery." With those words Daichi began operating on the man.

He carefully attached the severed arm to the man's limb and started joining the bones. He then started to reattach the blood vessels, nerves, and muscles. It was a delicate process. Daichi's perfect chakra control greatly helped him with the complex microsurgical procedures. Once everything was done he used chakra and created new skin above the cut.

Once the critical injury was dealt with, Daichi moved on to the other wounds. He was able to quickly heal them and once his work was done he took a few steps back and let out a breath.

Shizune had her eye on Daichi the whole time. She was impressed he had reached so far so quickly. "Well done. Everything looks good. He can now be taken to the observation room."

Daichi nodded and then turned to look at Tsunade.

She looked at the boy and nodded her head. "Good work."

"Thank you Tsunade sensei."

"Tell me Daichi, if you were on the battlefield right now with this man how would you proceed? Moreover, his arm was destroyed in the battle. How would you treat him?" Tsunade asked him.

Shizune stayed silent and looked at Daichi.

Daichi stayed silent and thought for several seconds and then answered.

"If there are enemies present, I would heal the wound, stop any blood leakage and treat for any infections or poisons present. If no enemies are present, if there are fresh bodies available for a donor arm then I'll see if I can find one for limb transplant."

"But when matching a donor hand with a recipient hand there are several things you need to consider. Would you have the time for that?" Tsunade asked him.

"I have to quickly check the blood type, tissue type, skin color, age and sex of the donor and recipient, hand size and muscle bulk and make sure they're a match. So I would use the Cell Scanning technique and quickly assess the conditions of the limbs and then proceed." Replied Daichi.

"What are the risks of such a transplant?"

"Risks such as infections, bleeding, and blood clots can be minimized with medical ninjutsu. But rejection of the donor arm and long term Immunosuppression risks will be present." Daichi replied.

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