Chapter 28 - Beasts of Dungeon Ground 43

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When Daichi looked up he saw three giant angry apes looking down at him. With eyes red and spit drooling between their teeth, the giant apes snarled at him. They were the size of an adult human.

Daichi didn't make any sudden moves and used 'observe'.

[LV.24] [Long Armed Ape]

HP: 3681 CP: 2430

[A primate with particularly strong and long arms. These apes are savage and usually hunt in the evening or nights. They travel in packs of 3 or 4. They are very territorial creatures and would attack and kill anything that trespasses into their domain. They use their fists to smash their prey. This Ape came here due to the sounds of the bat it heard earlier. This Ape wants to kill you for entering its hunting area.]

[LV.23] [Long Armed Ape]

HP: 3247 CP: 1988

[LV.23] [Long Armed Ape]

HP: 3350 CP: 2020

'OH man! These things have double the health and chakra points I have. And their bodies look pretty strong. I need to go for the necks and joints. Cut their limbs and make them useless.'

As Daichi was thinking about his next move the apes jumped down and quickly surrounded him. They were much faster than they looked. The ape with the level 24 went at Daichi.

Before he could do anything, a fast powerful fist plowed into Daichi's gut sending him flying back.

-203 HP

"Ghaa.." Spit and blood flew out of his mouth. He crashed into a tree and slumped down into the ground.

'Ahhh...Damn it that hurt!... If it were me in the old world I'd be a paste right now. That monkey just took out 200 hp with one punch. The speed and strength of these things are ridiculous. If I take much more like that... I'm a goner for sure.'

Daichi slowly got up. Watching the prey it just smacked away get up, the level 24 ape got even more aggressive. It charged at Daichi while the other two stood on either side and shrieked.

The ape sent a punch just as powerful as the one before but it missed its mark. Daichi dodged and tried to cut the ape with his tanto but he missed his target as well. Both ape and human attacked and dodged each other. The ape had the advantage of long arms and had a larger reach. Meanwhile Daichi had a sharp short sword as his weapon.

Seeing as he was getting nowhere Daichi decided to go a different route. He subtly took out a smoke bomb and threw it at the apes face. The moment it made contact and exploded, Daichi using sprint skill rushed the ape and slashed.

Daichi's attack made contact but he felt that it didn't do much damage. The ape jumped out of smoke and looked at the wound on its right arm. A shallow diagonal slash running down its elbow. The fact that something it viewed, as a prey, managed to wound it made it angry.

"Rooaar..." It roared into the night and pounded its chest. The 2 accompanying apes roared and pounded their chests as well.

'An intimidation tactic. Well... it isn't not working. I'll give them that...'

"Fine... you want it your way... you got it." Daichi shouted at the apes as he put his sword back in his inventory and equipped his fists with knuckle dusters.

'If I can't cut you, then I'm gonna pound you into the ground.'

This time both Daichi and the ape rushed and met halfway. Both fist colliding and sending a small wave of air around them. Daichi had used 'strong hit' and boosted the strength and speed of his punch and still he came up slightly short. His arm was slightly numb but he pushed himself and kept attacking.

The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima [Vol. 01]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα