Chapter 137 - Interlude 09 - Cold War

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Shortly after Tsunade and her students left the battle area the spy of the Akatsuki organization appeared out of the ground. It was a mere coincidence that he was there. One of the white Zetsu clones was near the area and alerted black Zetsu of the battle. He arrived at the battlefield just after Daichi successfully forced the root ninjas away from his teachers. He watched Daichi battle the two ninjas and witnessed how he healed Shizune.

"Well that was interesting." The white half said in a jolly tone.

"Yes. I didn't think there would be someone who would try to make a move on that Senju at this moment." The black half replied.

"What do you think about that boy?" White Zetsu asked his counterpart.

"He's strong. Well... for a brat anyway. But we've seen plenty like him throughout the years." Black Zetsu already made an analysis of Daichi as he witnessed the fight.

"Based on his interactions with Tsunade, I'd say he was her student."

"Hmm... You're right. I didn't think she would take another apprentice."

"Do you think he's a Senju?" The white half questioned.

"No. His chakra indicates that he's not from the Senju or any other clan..." The black half replied after giving it a few seconds of thought.

"A clanless kid? He's quite strong for his age. He was able to kill that one ninja and fight the other all the while healing that other apprentice."

"Yes. But there are several things that were in his favor. Based on what we saw I'm certain those ninjas were holding back. There were several moments where they could have gone for the kill. I think they were trying to subdue him. Probably to use against Tsunade or the Leaf." The black spoke in a gruff voice.

"What do you think they were after? That child or the Sannin? Or something else?"

At the white Zetsu's question the black half fell silent for a short while. He then replied after thinking it over. "It's possible they were after the child but it's a small one. Based on what I sensed the only things he had going for him was his large chakra reserves and control. The jutsus he used had the precise amount of chakra needed and the number of ninjutsu, genjutsu used and the shadow clones used tells me he has great reserves. On par with high level Jonins. He also knows medical ninjutsu. He must be talented to be learning medical techniques under her... If he was the target then that should be it."

"Someone with perfect control and large reserves. That's rare." White Zetsu complimented.

"Yes. But we've seen plenty who were like that. Granted they were part of a clan but still, he's nothing special."

"Do you think he would become strong enough to interfere with the plan? Are you going to tell Madara?"

"No. It would be a waste of time. Our goals will be completed within the next 7 or 8 years. The boy would become strong in that time but not enough to become a threat that would endanger our plans. He's not a Senju, Uchiha or an Uzumaki. He's not Jinchuriki either. The boy is inconsequential. The only thing he has going for him is the large chakra reserves and being Tsunade's apprentice. And that's not all that special and won't matter when the time comes." Black Zetsu replied dismissing Daichi as a non threat.

"Hmm. You're right. Still... I wonder who sent those ninjas? Only someone bold enough and has enough strength and backing would launch a direct attack on one of the Sannin."

"You're right about that. I have a few suspects in mind with Orochimaru and Danzo being at the top of the list... But it's not our concern. Let's head back."

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