Chapter 101 - Decisions Made

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Kensei's Home.

A week had passed since Jiraiya's visit. Hiruzen and Kensei were sipping tea as they discussed how to move forward. The Hokage also expressed his desire to have Daichi leave the village and train under Tsunade Senju.

"So you want Daichi to travel with her for the next three years?"

The Hokage nodded. "Yes. To the public, Daichi will be going with you to the capital so he could learn about your business and its operations. But privately he'll be training in Medical ninjutsu under Tsunade."

Kensei thought about it for a minute and found a problem. "Your plan has a flaw. You know full well that Danzo has spies all over the country. It won't be long before he gets wind that Daichi isn't with me. And if he suspects something then things will become much more difficult and dangerous."

"I've taken that into account." Hiruzen's face remained unchanged. "I've already thought of that and I've figured a way around it. Daichi will stay with you at the capital for a couple months and at that time Tsunade will visit the capital and meet Daichi. A pure coincidence. Daichi will impress her with his talents and due to his eagerness to learn medical ninjutsu and her unwillingness to let go of such a talented child she will take him with her and teach him till he becomes ready to graduate... And you being the good grandfather lets Daichi go with her for training..."

Hiruzen took a sip of the herbal tea and continued with a small smirk. "Or at least that's the story I'll tell Koharu and Homura. And it won't be long before this information reaches Danzo. He must be aware of Daichi's talents. So he will believe the story." Hiruzen stopped and took another sip of his tea.

Kensei went through the plan in his mind. 'This could work. Even if Danzo suspects something, he wouldn't be able to tell what it is... Unless he learns of the investigation...' Kensei sighed and stared at the Hokage.

Seeing the still unconvinced face of Kensei, the Hokage spoke. "Daichi will learn much more under Tsunade's tutelage. It will be beneficial for him." Hiruzen said as he looked at his former Anbu captain.

Kensei was a bit apprehensive about the whole thing. But he knew that Daichi would be relatively safe under the Slug Sanin's protection.

"Do you really think she'll agree to teach him?"

"She will. Once she sees the boy's talents I'm sure she'll take him in."

Kensei leaned back, crossed his arms and looked at his kage. "And what about the academy?"

Hiruzen already had an answer for that. "I'll have an instructor at the academy conduct a private test for Daichi at the end of each year. I'll also have them prepare a special curriculum for Daichi at the beginning of each year."

Kensei narrowed his eyes as he listened. "You're going through a lot for a single student in the academy! Why?"

Hiruzen was silent as he heard the question. 'Daichi's inborn talent is far beyond normal. And his strength is growing at an exponential rate. I need to make sure he forms some strong ties to the village... And... There is also that...'

He then looked at his friend and replied. "I don't want Daichi to waste his time and potential. If I hadn't implemented the age restriction, then Daichi would have graduated from the academy in his first or second year... For someone with his talents I believe this much is appropriate."

Kensei looked at Hiruzen for a few seconds and then nodded his head.

"And what about Isen?" Kensei asked.

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