Chapter 191 - C Rank: Search & Destroy... A book?

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It was early morning in the Leaf village. The special two man Genin team was making their way to the Hokage tower. Kakashi had deemed his student ready for another C Rank mission. Before long they were in front of the Hokage.

Hiruzen smiled as he looked at the two ninjas. At that moment Daichi noticed something strange.

'Is it just me or does he seem like he's in a good mood... It's his smile... It's definitely different from the ones before. Hmm... Something must have gone his way...'

Daichi didn't remark on what he noticed and kept a straight face.

"So are you two ready for your next C Rank mission?"

"Yes sir." The young Genin replied with a small smile.

The Hokage handed the mission scroll and explained the situation to the team.

[Quest Created - Search and Destroy]

Daichi read the details of the quest and quickly accepted it. It looked like an ordinary quest with no hidden agenda.

"You will meet the client in the location marked on the scroll. Your task is to retrieve some valuables that were stolen from his house."

Daichi was surprised at the mission. 'Finding lost items? Feels like Deja vu.'

"But there is one condition." The Hokage continued. "Among the stolen valuables is a book containing information sensitive to the client. He wants the book destroyed. Your client Denjima will explain the details."

Both Kakashi and Daichi nodded and soon left the office.

Hiruzen sat back in his chair and thought about what the other Kage of the Hidden Leaf was up to right now. He recalled the conversation he had with Lord Second.


"There are several things that needs to be done. I will modify the barrier seal formula and strengthen it. We need to make sure something like the Ninetails attack never happens again." Tobirama said as he looked at a scroll.

"There is something else I've been meaning to ask... It's about your teleportation jutsu."

Tobirama looked up from his scroll and motioned Hiruzen to continue.

"There has only been one person who could learn that jutsu and use it like you could. And it was Minato."

"Is there no one else who could use it?"

"There are his personal guards. But all three have to be present to use it. And that Teleportation jutsu is far too valuable to be ignored. But the problem is, even with your notes, the jutsu is far too complicated to use." Hiruzen didn't say anything more as he knew his predecessor understood what he wanted.

"You want me to rework the jutsu formula and make it so that someone capable can learn it."

The old kage nodded. "You're the only one familiar with space time ninjutsu. Even my knowledge on the subject is spotty at best."

Tobirama pondered on it and agreed. 'He has a point. That jutsu is indeed too valuable to be left alone. But I also need to make sure its useless in enemy hands.'

"I can certainly modify the jutsu. But I'll have to create some contingencies just in case. And simplifying the jutsu means its power will also be reduced. There will be more restrictions..."

"I understand." Hiruzen nodded as he already has a list of Jonin candidates in mind who he believes can learn the jutsu.

Tobirama crossed his arms and spoke about the things he needed to do. "Studying the curse seal from that girl Anko will take time and creating a suitable removal method even more. I will put it at the bottom of the list. First and foremost, we need to strengthen the village. Creating countermeasures for the Reanimation Jutsu is the priority."

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