Chapter 172 - 1 vs 3

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"Alright. The rules are as follows. Daichi! You will need to land three successful strikes on Lee, Tenten and Neji for you to secure victory. Once you are able to land 3 hits on your enemy that person is out of the battle." Guy said, looking at Kakashi's student. The boy nodded his head and the Taijutsu master then turned to his own pupils.

"While Daichi needs to only land three strikes, you guys each will have to land 6. The time limit will be 15 minutes. Only if all three of you land the strikes will it be considered a victory for you. And if the timer runs out before you defeat your opponent then the victory will automatically go to Daichi. Any questions?"

The 3 Genin of team Guy was mulling over the rules.

Tenten was going over the challenge rules in her head. 'All of us need to strike him before the timer runs out to win. And the rules don't say he can't escape or run from us... This will be a lot trickier than it seems.'

While Tenten thought that Daichi might decide to dodge or escape, Lee knew better. 'Daichi isn't someone who runs from a fight. He will battle us head on. And based on his speed and strength and Taijutsu skills... We need to work together if we want to win.'

Neji was looking at Daichi with slightly narrowed eyes. 'I knew I would face him one day but I didn't think it would be so soon.'

Daichi was calm as he looked at the three slightly nervous Genins. 'I half expected a quest to pop up by now but... It seems the system sees this as an obvious victory... Hmm... Is my Gamer system sentient?... Question for another time I suppose.'

Kakashi walked to the side while Daichi stepped forward and stood in the middle of the clearing indicating that he was ready for battle. Lee and his two teammates stepped forward as well. Neji and Lee got into a fighting stance while Tenten got ready with her scrolls.

Neji looked at his opponent's calm temperament and saw that Daichi hadn't yet entered a fighting stance. 'Is he looking down on us? I'll show him the power of the Gentle Fist.'

Daichi had both arms in his pockets and stood casually as if he was waiting in line for something mundane and had no cares in the world. And it only enraged Neji and brought a frown to Tenten's face.

But Lee knew Daichi longer than his teammates. He knew Daichi respected hard work and strength. 'He studies and trains so hard every day. Even more than me. I have to show him just how far I have come. And I must earn his respect.'

"Are you READY?" Guy asked them.

Getting a nod from everyone he raised his right hand. "Let your youthful spirit shine brightly. BEGIN.!"

Nobody made a move but Team Guy knew that time was not on their side.

'We can't delay any longer. The more time passes the greater his chances of victory.' Having made a decision, Neji Hyuga dashed forward with his palms coiled ready to send a fast precise strike.

And that was the signal for the other two to take action as well. Lee rushed forward towards Daichi as well and Tenten hanged back to provide backup.

Daichi saw every move Neji made. From where Neji was looking to strike to the way his muscles moved. Neji quickly reached Daichi and sent a fast palm strike aimed at the boy's chest.

But the Hyuga Genin's speed was nowhere near Daichi's and thus he was unable to land the attack as Daichi easily sidestepped and dodged. At that moment he sensed movement from behind and knew it was Lee's kick coming from behind.

The young Gamer ninja jumped and saw Lee fly by under him. At that moment several shuriken struck him and he fell to the ground. But the next second the fallen Genin vanished and in his place was a wooden log.

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