Chapter 149 - Genin Test - Final

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Seto looked around and tried to find Daichi but he failed. A few seconds later he felt someone tap his legs. He hastily turned around and his eyes widened when he saw that it was Daichi.

"What?! How did you-"

"Like I said before. You were always in my range. Now come on. We need to find Mari."


"It's important. I'll explain after we get to her."

Seto looked at Daichi for a few seconds and then slowly nodded. Daichi led the way and both of them soon reached their third teammate.

"What are you two doing here?" Mari looked at the two in suspicion.

"Don't look at me. He's the one who insisted." Seto pointing towards Daichi. "Alright Daichi. Why did you drag me here? I don't have time to waste. I need to figure out a way to get the bells." Seto said to the boy.

Daichi sighed and then spoke. "There's no way either of you are ever gonna lay your hands on those bells."

Seto and Mari narrowed their eyes. "What are you saying? We're not good enough?"

"Yes." Daichi replied somewhat harshly. "You saw what he can do! You just saw what an Elite ninja is capable of. Do you really think you can fight him on your own and get the bells?"

At that question both of them lowered their heads. After watching the battle earlier they knew it was an impossible task if they went at it alone.

"So what are you suggesting?" Mari asked Daichi.

"We work together to get the bells. If we go at it alone we won't stand a chance. Time will run out quickly and we will fail. But if the three of us work together then there is a chance we can get the bells."

"But teamwork won't be helpful for us. There are only two bells. So one of us will definitely fail." Seto said in a low tone.

Daichi sighed and answered the boy. "Listen. We need to get the bells first before anything else. Without them all three of us will definitely fail. But if we work together and get the bells, then two of us have a chance at passing."

'Damn it. I can't tell them that the bells are designed to turn teammates against each other. If I do, Kakashi might sense that I already knew the specifics of the test and might disqualify all of us anyways.'

"So on the off chance we somehow do get the bells... Who passes and who fails?" Mari asked the two.

"Look, we'll decide that once we have the bells. Without them this argument is pointless. Agreed?" Daichi said to the two of them.

Mari and Seto reluctantly nodded their heads. "Do you have a plan?" The boy asked Daichi.

"I do. Earlier when I came here I took a look around the training ground. I made a map and marked the best spots to stay hidden and set up ambushes. Who amongst you is good at traps?"

"I am. I can rig up some good traps if the location is right." Mari raised her hand and told her teammates.

Daichi took out the map and gave it to Mari. "I've marked some spots that I think would be ideal. We need to draw him towards the river. Use shuriken jutsu and cut off his escape routes if necessary. Seto and I will engage in close quarter combat. Once he's on the river I'll take it from there... Agreed?"

Mari and Seto looked at each other and then nodded their heads.

"Alright. I'm going to engage him again. Seto. When you see an opening, take it and then lend me a hand." Daichi gave the instructions and left the two.

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