Chapter 147 - Genin Test Part 01

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The two late arrivals picked a spot on the bench opposite Daichi. They both had frowns on their faces as they looked at the boy.

[Reputation slightly decreased with Seto Tomoya and Mari Michiyaki]

Daichi ignored the system message and kept his eyes on his soon to be teacher.

Kakashi clapped his hands bringing their attention to him. "Alright. Now that everyone is here let's begin."

Kakashi leaned back against the railing and looked at the 3 kids in front of him. Several thoughts were going through his mind. He let out a sigh and spoke. "Alright. Why don't you introduce yourselves?"

"What do you want us to say sensei? I'm sure you already got a look at our files from the academy." Seto said to the silver haired Jonin.

"I did. But I'd like to hear it from you. Tell us your likes, dislikes, hobbies and dreams... if you have any... Why don't you go first." Kakashi replied in a bored tone.

"My name is Seto Tomoya. I like coming up with new moves for my Taijutsu. My hobbies include helping pops with his business sometimes. And just playing around. I dislike pipsqueaks who think they're better than others."

Daichi noticed Seto looking his way when he said that.

"And my dream is to be a famous ninja."

Kakashi turned his attention to the girl of the team. "Your turn."

"My name is Mari Michiyaki. I like my brothers. My hobby is to train and improve my shuriken skills. My dream is to become a ninja like my father... Um... What I dislike is arrogant brats."

Kakashi nodded and finally looked at Daichi.

"You. Go."

"My name is Daichi Hekima. I like a lot of things. Mainly training. My hobbies include Cooking and painting... I hate people who try to stab their friends in the back and bullies. My goal is to become the strongest in the world."

"Pff.... You? Strongest? Get real." Seto laughed when he heard Daichi's goal. Daichi kept quiet since he didn't want to start an argument at that moment.

"Now. I believe it's my turn. I'm Kakashi Hatake. Things I like and things I hate... I'm not gonna tell you those things. Dreams for the future... Don't really have one right now. And as for hobbies... I have lots of hobbies. And it doesn't concern you." The silver haired Jonin said with a smile.

'Typical. Why did I expect anything different from this guy.' Daichi didn't say anything and just looked at Kakashi. "When do we start missions?" He asked the man.

"Tomorrow. The four of us are going to do something together."

The three graduates paid attention. Two of them were excited thinking about their first mission while the third was weary.

"Tomorrow we're going to do a survival exercise." Kakashi said to the three.

"Wait. Survival exercise? Like the ones we did in the academy?"

"Wait, aren't we supposed to do missions? We've already completed the survival type training at the academy." Seto and Mari asked the man.

"This isn't going to be like the ones you've had at the academy. This will be entirely different."

"So what kinda training are we supposed to do?"

At Seto's question Kakashi suddenly started chuckling.

Daichi narrowed his eyes. 'Here it comes...'

"What's so funny?" Seto clenched his fists and was getting angry.

The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima [Vol. 01]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora