Chapter 189 - Men make Plans...

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Lee took several deep breaths of air as he was sprawled on the ground.

Daichi, who was sitting near him, spoke. "Looks like the training your sensei is putting you through is starting to show. You were able to survive a lot longer and that's even with those weights you have on."

Lee looked at Daichi at that. "So you noticed?"

The young gamer smirked. "Of course I did. You're not the only one training with weighted gear."

Lee slowly sat up and smiled at his friend. He expected something like that.

Daichi got up and went to Lee. He placed his palms on Lee's chest and began using medical ninjutsu.

Lee was fascinated as he watched his friend work. "Is that medical ninjutsu?"

"Yes. I learned it during my time at the capital."

"That's incredible." Lee grinned as he looked at his friend. 'Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Taijutsu. Now medical jutsu too... It's as if there's no end to his talent and potential. He's amazing.'

Daichi moved his palms to Lee's arms and legs and gave him a quick full body check up. 'In just one year Lee was able to go from being a nobody to a monster in Taijutsu. In canon he did it with nothing but his will and determination. But now I wonder how strong he'll be with me aiding in his growth.'

A few moments later Daichi completed his work. "Done."

Lee got up and looked himself over in wonder. "I feel good as new."

"That's because the tears in your muscles and cells are all healed without impeding your growth. Now you can train again right away without needing to waste time for rest and recovery. Lee, I want you to meet me here every weekend if possible. I'll heal all the wear and tears on your body." Daichi smirked as he replied.

The bowl cut ninja's eyes widened as he understood the implications. "That means I can train much more and become stronger a lot faster."

"That's the idea." Daichi smiled looking at the kid who had stars and tears in his eyes.

"Ohh my great friend Daichi. Thank you!" Lee jumped and tried to hug his friend who quickly dodged him.

"Easy Lee. Not a hugger... And it's not that big a deal. Here. Take these as well..." Daichi took out a small bottle from his pocket and tossed it to his friend. Inside the bottle there were several round pills of the same color.

"What's this?" Lee asked as he examined the glass bottle.

"Those are special nutrient pills I created. The vitamins, proteins and minerals contained in each of those pills will speed up muscle growth and strengthen your bones. They'll be a massive help for your training. Oh! But make sure you only take one every 24 hours. And make sure to only take them when you train. And drink plenty of water after you do."

Lee's eyes widened as he held the precious item. He couldn't believe how much his friend was helping him. He looked at Daichi and had a complicated expression on his face.

"You've given so much help. But I don't have anything to give you..." Lee said in a small voice.

Daichi placed a hand on his friend's shoulder. "You don't need to give me anything you idiot. You're my friend. Now come on. Let's go get something to eat."

Lee nodded with a wide smile. 'Someday I will definitely repay your kindness.'


Hiruzen was going over the list of few Genins taking part in the Chunin exams happening in the stone village. He thought about the one name he rejected from the list.

The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima [Vol. 01]Where stories live. Discover now