Chapter 200 - Live or Die: Make your Choice

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The two stared at each other for a few moments and it was Daichi who broke the silence.

"Hello. My name is Daichi Hekima. I'm a Genin from the Leaf village..."

The man was silent as he looked at the Genin ninja.

Seeing his silence and his stone cold face, Daichi chuckled and spoke. "Something tells me you already know who I am..."

Junichiro said nothing and just gazed at the boy.

"The strong silent type huh? You know you're not doing much to break the stereotypes here."

Daichi looked at the man and just gave a small smile. "Oh I almost forgot..." He said to himself and took a kunai from his pouch and came near the tied up man.

Heiji frowned and Genma narrowed his eyes. Everyone else who was standing outside just looked on to see what would happen next.

Daichi placed the weapon on the table right in front of Junichiro. The man was secured to his seat and couldn't move his limbs so he could only stare at the sharp weapon.

Junichiro just looked at the kunai for a second and then turned to the boy. "If you think you can get me to talk by torture, you're severely underestimating me."

"He speaks! At last. For a second, I thought you were a mute... And no. I'm not going to torture you. I'm just here to talk." Daichi replied, taking his seat at the opposite end of the table.

Jedayu's guard was confused at that. "Then why the Kunai?"

"It's an experiment. I can't say anything more at the moment." Daichi didn't reveal the reason for putting the weapon in front of him and both of them fell into silence once again.

It was Junichiro who restarted the conversation. "How did you find that paper? I thought it was impossible to trace it."

"It would have been... Not to brag but you see, my senses are much sharper than the ordinary ninja's. I studied medical ninjutsu and learned to analyze particles even microscopic in nature. I examined the bed thoroughly and saw the faint discoloration on the wood due to the burn. There was a faint distinctive scent at that spot and I quickly figured out that Flash Paper was used. My sensei and the others did the rest... Hmm. Now that I'm saying it out loud it does sound like I'm bragging a little huh." Daichi chuckled to himself.


"I read your file. Lord Taji gathered some information about you the last time you were here in the Capital with your master, Jedayu."

Junichiro just tilted his head and scoffed. "You don't know anything about me."

"Oh on the contrary, I know quite a bit. Your family sold you to some wealthy merchant when you were just a boy. Several months later, he died in a bandit attack and you were out on the streets with no one to turn to. That's when the merchant Jedayu took you in. He raised you and soon you became his trusted aid. And you also have a genetic defect. Congenital anhidrosis. You can't feel pain." Daichi recalled the information he read on Junichiro.

'Lord Taji did extensive research on Jedayu and his guard last year. It was due to his son Wakamu but who would have thought that this info would come in handy like this at such a time.'

"You think you know me just because you read something in a file? You presume too much." The man was angry as he focused on Daichi's face.

"Alright, enlighten me. Tell me your story. I want to know where this deep devotion and loyalty to your master comes from." Daichi slightly leaned forward with a serious gaze and wanted to hear what the man had to say.

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