Chapter 144 - 6th Year End

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The next morning by the time Daichi was done with his workouts, he found a team of genin waiting outside his home. They were there to deliver a scroll to Daichi from the academy.

"Daichi Hekima?"


"Here. This scroll is for you." The lead Genin handed the scroll to Daichi.

"D Rank mission. Deliver scroll, done. Mission completed. Let's go." Said the Jonin of the team and the others followed him.

Daichi opened the scroll. "This might be regarding my graduation exams."

The boy read through the contents of the scroll quickly. 'So Iruka sensei wants to meet huh. He also asked me to bring this year's assignments. Alright.'

Daichi noted the time and place set for the meeting and went to get some breakfast.

"Will the graduation exam be different for me?" Daichi asked his old man.

"No. I don't think so. It'll be the same as the ones the current graduating class is taking. What I worry about is the team. Your strength will definitely cause an imbalance in the team dynamic. At least for the first few weeks or so." Kensei was also worried about something else. 'I just hope whoever becomes his sensei isn't part of the Root. That could become a serious problem fast.'

But keeping his thoughts to himself, he continued. "Whatever the case, go meet the academy instructor."

Daichi nodded. Once he was done he took the necessary items and headed to the academy. Daichi felt a smile as he walked through the streets of the village. It wasn't long before he reached his destination.


As he was about to enter the building he heard a familiar voice calling his name. Daichi turned around and saw Lee sprinting towards him.


"Ohh I have missed you so much my good friend." Lee jumped in and hugged his friend.

Daichi awkwardly pried the bowl cut boy off him. "Yes yes. I missed you too."

Daichi looked at Lee. He was wearing a green jumpsuit and had a big wide smile on his face. 'He looks a lot happier. And it seems he's met Guy and began training under him.'

"You've gotten taller Daichi." Lee said with a boisterous laugh.

"And you've gotten stronger. I can tell that you've been training hard these last two years." Daichi complimented his friend.

"Of course. I never gave up. And I found someone to help me with my training after you left." Lee replied with a smile. "I thought you would only be back by next year! What happened?"

"Well the thing is, I've decided to take the graduation exam this year."


"Yes. But keep this to yourself. You're the first to know."

"Don't worry. I won't tell anyone... So you're becoming a Genin alongside my class... I hope we can be teammates." Now knowing that Daichi was going to graduate with him, Lee hoped he could be on a team with his best friend.

"That wouldn't be a bad thing. Let's hope so." Daichi said with a smile. He wouldn't mind having someone like Lee be his teammate.

They chatted as they entered the academy and soon split. Daichi quickly headed for the teachers lounge. He soon found Iruka going over some papers.

"Morning Iruka sensei."

The academy instructor looked up hearing the voice. His eyes slightly widened as he looked at the boy in front of him. "Daichi! Welcome back. You've certainly grown."

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