Chapter 190 - Reanimation: Tobirama Senju

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Hiruzen was walking through a dimly lit hall. He was alone and there were no others present near him. Even his personal guards were absent. The hall was more of a tunnel made up of rocks and earth. In his hand was a large scroll which had the word forbidden written on it. Several minutes later he entered a room at the end of the tunnel.

'I just hope Lord Second understands the reasons for my actions.'

The room was much larger than it seemed from the outside. It had several desks and chairs with many scrolls and materials on them. Hiruzen placed the scroll on a table and looked at another one.

'I was able to advance the jutsu much further with my research...'

His eyes then shifted to the other end of the room. In the corner of the large chamber there was a man lying unconscious. Hiruzen frowned as he looked at the man.

'But finding the secrets of the jutsu came with a cost. Now I'm no different than my student. I've become a hypocrite...'

The Hokage took the scroll and placed it on the floor. 'Please forgive me for what I'm about to do, Lord Second.'

The kage quickly made several seals.

"Summoning Jutsu: Reanimation!"

As soon as he completed the final hand seal, the scroll on the ground became active. Several seals came from it and surrounded the unconscious man. Dust and debris started to swirl around his body and he looked like he was in pain.

Hiruzen watched the scene with a steely heart as he had done the few times before. Several moments later in place of the unknown man stood another.

A fair skinned man with silver shaggy hair and red markings on his face appeared. He had blue armor with a white fur collar over a black suit.

The man who was summoned was none other than the Second Hokage Tobirama Senju.

Hiruzen let out a deep breath of air as he looked at the emotionless face of his predecessor and mentor. 'Time to see this through.'

The kage of the Leaf village walked forward and took a kunai with a special tag attached at the end. He slowly placed the tag into the back of the Second's head and as soon as he did, steam started to rise from the reanimation's body.

The lifeless eyes of Tobirama gained a spark as if he had come alive. Hiruzen walked back to his previous spot and stood in front of his teacher.

Tobirama Senju slowly came to life and looked at the man in front of him in total surprise. He then looked at his own hands and body and noted the details. The second he laid his eyes on Hiruzen he made sure to check his chakra signature and made sure it was not an enemy in disguise.

"I knew the day I created this jutsu, that it was possible for it to be used on me. But I never expected to be resurrected by you of all people Hiruzen." Tobirama's tone didn't indicate disappointment or anger. It contained no emotion at all, it was as if he was stating a fact.

Hiruzen looked down for a second and then looked at the man. "Forgive me sensei but I had to."

The Second Hokage raised an eyebrow at that statement. 'Under normal circumstances, Hiruzen would never use a jutsu like this. But every man has his breaking point. For him to use a jutsu of this nature, that too on me, it seems he has reached that point. Something serious must have happened.'

"Based on your appearance I'd say it's been a few decades since I died. What's going on Hiruzen? Why did you bring me back now? What's happening in the village?"

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