Chapter 67 - Uchiha Clan Massacre - Prelude 02

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Itachi remembered his graduation day as if it was just yesterday. He remembered walking out of the schoolyard and seeing his family waiting for him at the gates.

'It should have been easy. Become a ninja. Work with the team and impress the village. Complete enough missions and quickly become a chunin and become strong enough to change the villagers opinion about my clan... But it didn't happen... Everything changed that day... It was on that graduation day that I met him.'

Itachi remembered his first meeting with the man he would later work for and come to despise.

After the graduation Itachi was about to walk over to his family and greet them but someone got in his way. A man clad in black robes with the right side of his face covered in bandages. His single eye bore into Itachi as if he was peering down on his very soul.

"Itachi Uchiha, I presume." The man said. Itachi met his gaze without flinching and simply nodded his head.

"Those lines... The ones running down from your eyes to the cheeks... Do you know what they represent?" The man asked cryptically.

"No." Itachi shook his head.

"They are called chaos lines. They represent bad luck. Those who have it... It is said that death and destruction follow them till the end... Absolute chaos."

Itachi couldn't understand what this man's intentions were. 'Who is he?'

"Everyone here has said that you are the most talented genius to ever enter the academy. So I have a question for you? Will you indulge me?"

Itachi stayed silent and waited for the man to speak.

"Ten people were forced to abandon their sinking ship. They soon made it to an island. Nine were healthy but one caught a deadly infectious disease. If allowed to live he will infect the other nine and they will all die. If you were the captain of the crew what would you do? What choice would you make?"

Itachi didn't understand why the man would ask such a question but he had an answer and he responded with simple words.

"In this scenario the man who got sick is destined to die. If I were the captain my priority would be saving as many lives as possible. I would choose to save the lives of the nine healthy crew." Itachi answered.

"What would you do?" The man pushed for a concrete answer.

"I would kill the one and save the lives of nine." Itachi answered him without hesitation.

Hearing the answer of the child a smile crossed the man's face. "Bold. And a clear, obvious solution... I look forward to meeting you again... Itachi Uchiha." He almost whispered the last part as he passed the boy.

Itachi didn't understand then but he knew there was malice in his voice. Hidden, buried deep. But still prevalent for him to hear.

As the man walked away his family came rushing over. His father had an unusually serious expression on his face. "What did he say?"

"Nothing important."

At the vague answer Fugaku turned to Itachi. "Is that so...?"

"Who is he?" Itachi was curious about the man who would have such a dark aura.

"That was Danzo Shimura. He is the right hand man of the third Hokage." An ominous tone lurked in Fugaku's voice as he answered his son's question.

"They are called chaos lines. They represent bad luck. Those who have it... It is said that death and destruction follow them till the end... Absolute chaos."

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