Chapter 100 - Kensei's Hate

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Hokage Tower - Hiruzen's Office.

Jiraiya sat with his arms crossed across from his old sensei. He was still digesting the information he just learned.

"So Danzo and Orochimaru are working together huh! Orochimaru isn't the kind of person who would do something for someone without gaining anything in return. Danzo is the same." Jiraiya wondered what their goals were. "I'm sure neither of them trust each other... So what would they gain from this partnership?"

Hiruzen let out a puff of smoke. "It doesn't matter what! The fact is they are working together. And my tolerance for Danzo has reached its limit."

Jiraiya looked at his sensei. He saw anger on that face but he also saw the feeling of betrayal that his former sensei tried to hide. He let out a sigh and asked.

"So what now sensei? I'll dig into Danzo's contacts and see if I can find something to use as leverage."

Hiruzen shook his head. "No. I need you to handle the missions you currently have. We're in a very delicate situation. I need you to stay the course... I already have a few agents looking into Root and Danzo. And I'll have someone else handle Danzo's contacts at the Daimyo court."

Jiraiya was puzzled. "So if you don't want my help with Danzo then what do you need? I know you wouldn't have summoned me here for nothing."

"Yes. I do need your help. Not with Danzo. But with... Tsunade."

Jiraiya's eyes widened. "Are you recalling her to the village? Sensei, she won't agree to that. In fact I'm pretty sure she'll demolish the whole place if you force her."

"I'm well aware of her temperament, Jiraiya. And you have it backwards. I don't need her to return to the village. I want to send someone to her."


"A very talented child who I believe would make an excellent student. He's currently in his fourth year at the academy."

The toad sage was astonished. He couldn't believe his sensei wanted Tsunade to take on another student. He was skeptical that his old teammate would take the Hokage up on that.

"Tsunade already looks after Shizune. Do you think she'll take on another brat?"

"She will if I insist. I'm Hokage of the village. If I make it an order then she'll have no choice. And besides I have a feeling she'll want him as a student after she sees his talent for herself."

"You sure do have a high opinion of him. This kid must be quite special." Jiraiya said in a nonchalant tone.

Hiruzen knew Jiraiya had no idea of the magnitude of Daichi's talents. He looked at this student and spoke.

"Jiraiya... This child completely mastered the Rasengan in 8 days."

The smirk on the toad sage's face vanished. He was silent for a couple seconds and then suddenly started laughing.

"That's a good one old man. I see you haven't lost your sense of humor." He laughed for a few seconds but his laughter died down as he saw his sensei's serious expression.

"You're serious?"

"Deadly. And it's not just the Rasengan. He mastered the first two steps of change in chakra nature of earth and fire as well." Hiruzen elaborated.

Jiraiya's eyes widened and his jaw dropped. "Oi oi! Seriously? You better not be pulling my leg."

Hiruzen knew he piqued Jiraiya's interest. "I'm serious Jiraiya. He showed me the Rasengan and his grandfather told me he completed the nature training for earth and fire."

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