Chapter 108 - 4th Dungeon Completed

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Daichi looked at the two imposing enemies guarding the ninth floor of the castle.

'It doesn't matter how much power one has if you can't hit your opponent it's no use. So I'll go for the one who's the speed type first. I need to distract the black one while I deal with the white general.'

All these thoughts passed through Daichi's mind in a second. After quick careful thinking he decided to fight the white armored general first.

Daichi tensed and the moment he made the first seal to create the shadow clone, a sword was coming straight for his head.

Daichi's eyes widened and from his perspective everything slowed down. He saw the sharp gleaming edges of the sword about to bisect him in half.

'If I don't dodge it, I'll die!!'

Daichi flooded his body with chakra and used the sprint skill in combination with his body flicker.

The white general brought his sword down and cut through Daichi. But the next instant the cut Daichi vanished like a mirage.

Daichi was on the other side of the room. His heart was pounding in his chest. Sweat was dripping down his forehead as he looked at the white armored ninja.

'Fuck!! Holy fuck! If I had been even a moment late I'd be dead... I haven't felt like this since my battle in the first and second dungeons.'

At that moment Daichi's senses alerted him to another enemy coming near him. Daichi jumped to the side and evaded the fist. The spot Daichi stood on cracked and slightly caved.

Daichi skidded a few feet back and looked at the second enemy. 'If the other one's speed is anything to go by then this guy's power must also be insanely high.'

Daichi kept both his enemies in his field of view. 'I need to decrease the white ninja's mobility... I have an idea but I can't do it alone. And I can't fight both of them at the same time. I need to create a few shadow clones.'

Daichi slightly narrowed his eyes and discreetly took several smoke bombs from his inventory. The moment he dropped them on the floor he saw the white speedster ninja coming for him. Daichi was ready for him this time.

He evaded the sword strikes and at that moment the the smoke bomb went off around them. Daichi retreated and created 4 shadow clones.

"You guys know what to do!" Daichi spoke as he kept his senses on his enemies.

"Yup. Leave it to us." The clones replied and disappeared.

The smoke was blown away and the white general rushed towards Daichi. The boy took a dagger and a short sword and readied himself. Both of them began their fast paced battle.

Even though the enemy had a higher level, due to Daichi's many passive skills he was able to match the general's speed. Both Daichi and the armored ninja evaded strikes from the other and tried to cut their opponent.

Daichi was completely focused on the ninja in front of him. He trusted his clones to keep the black armored ninja busy and to enact the plan. Daichi looked at the blue embers burning in the enemy's eye holes.

'It feels like I'm fighting death itself. What a frightening presence...'

Daichi evaded the sword swings and parried the next couple that came after. Half dozen strikes were sent each second. Each swing and sword strike the pair unleashed was precise and deadly. It also was a precursor to the next strike and so on.

A chain combination attacks. But if a strike is sent that the enemy can get through completely or leaves the person exposed it would be the end.

'Both of us are mostly dodging the attacks but sooner or later one of us will make a mistake and the other will capitalize on it. The one who makes the first wrong move gets destroyed.'

The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima [Vol. 01]Where stories live. Discover now