7 - It's The Least I Can Do

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I got to work on Monday morning to find Gary and Sarah planning a night out for Friday. Although it was the last thing I felt like doing, I agreed - and it was decided that rather than going for drinks straight from work like we normally did, we would make it a proper night out. I vetoed The Rose Garden, as I had no desire to bump into Grimmy again. This was nothing personal against him - I just didn't want to be reminded of Harry while I was still trying to get over him.

Adam texted me on Wednesday and asked me out at the weekend, and I agreed to meet him for a couple of drinks on Sunday afternoon. I decided this was more casual, as I wasn't really up for an official date. I wanted to take this slowly. I had jumped in feet first with Harry, and felt this was part of the reason that things had gone pear-shaped. If I'd kept my distance I would have been able to walk away far more easily, and wouldn't be in the mess I was in currently: crying pathetically almost every night over the way he had treated me. Who was I kidding - it was every night.

I knew from overhearing a whispered conversation on Thursday morning between Sarah and Nicki that the One Direction boys had been in London on Wednesday in between shows for the launch of their new fragrance, and it had taken everything I had in me not to go on Twitter and look up any of the 1D update accounts to stare at pictures of them. I guessed Harry would still be in London, and I knew they had one final show in Helsinki on Saturday before they had ten days off, and then Harry would be in the States for the summer and I would finally be able to breathe. I felt like I was on countdown until then, when I knew he would be out of the country and hopefully out of my thoughts.

I got ready for the night out on Friday, and Callie texted me saying she was out with her sister and some friends, so we agreed to try and meet up at some point. By the time I arrived in Covent Garden to meet Sarah, it was nearly 8.30pm.

I walked into the bar and immediately saw her sitting with Gary, Nicki and a few others. Gary was playing on his phone and Sarah was pouring Prosecco into some glasses. I made my way over to them and sat down. Sarah slid a glass across the table to me.

"Thanks," I said. I pulled my phone out of my bag and texted Callie to let her know where we were.

"You look lovely," Gary smiled, and I blushed and smiled back.

My phone pinged and I picked it up, expecting it to be Callie. My stomach flipped over when I saw my screen.

1 new message from Louis Tomlinson.

I wasn't prepared.

My heart pounding, I opened the message.

From: Louis Tomlinson: If you're still in Covent Garden later on, come down to Libertine in Soho! I'll get you and your mates on the guest list if you want

"What's up with your face?" Sarah asked. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

I hesitated. I knew if I told her the truth we would end up going to Libertine. I didn't want to risk Harry being there, but then again he didn't really socialise that much with the other boys when they were all in the UK.

"Louis has just texted me and invited us to Libertine," I muttered.

Her mouth dropped open. "Are you serious?"

"Yeah," I said.

"I hope you've said yes!" she spluttered.

"What if Harry's there?" I mumbled.

"When do they ever go on nights out together over here?" she said, rolling her eyes. "Come on Jess, pleeeeease."

I sighed. "Fine. Fine. I'll say yes."

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