49 - Watching You From The Stage

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Robin drove us all over to Sheffield, and we arrived at the arena just as the doors were opening to the public. We were ushered in the private entrance and escorted backstage into a small lounge. It was only a minute before I heard a very familiar voice causing a ruckus outside, and I looked up at the door expectantly as the noise drew nearer, feeling my face breaking into a smile as the door opened and a small figure strutted in.

"Oi oiiiiii!" Louis smirked, catching my eye before grinning widely. Harry and Liam appeared in the doorway behind him, and Louis hugged Anne and Gemma, and then shook Robin's hand before turning to me. I threw my arms around him before he could speak and he squeezed me tightly. "Hi darlin'," he greeted me.

"How are you?" I asked as he released me. "How's Briana?"

"I'm good," he beamed as Harry slipped past him and came to stand at my side. "She's good too, thanks for asking."

"How's the pregnancy going? Has she been sick or anything?" I asked.

"A bit, at first, but once she passed twelve weeks she felt much better. She's tired and hungry a lot."

"You seem less stressed," I observed, and he gave a half-shrug.

"I've come to terms with it a bit, I s'pose. It was all a bit of a shock to start with. It's had time to sink in now."

"Good," I smiled. "Glad to hear it."

I became aware that Harry was standing at my side, a little too close, facing me and not moving. I glanced up at him and he poked my cheek with his index finger, making me flinch in surprise.

"Hey- what was that for?" I asked, but he didn't reply and instead poked me again.

Louis rolled his eyes. "Stop trying to be cute, Harold."

Harry said nothing, but poked me again in the hollow of my cheek, a faint smirk playing at the corners of his mouth. I reached up and grabbed his finger in my fist and he froze, still in the same position. I stared at him, and after a couple of seconds his eyes flicked to mine.

"What are you doing?" he murmured.

"Stopping you from poking me," I answered.

He kept his face straight and watched me for a moment, then narrowed his eyes at me. I fought the stupid grin that was trying to spread across my face, and pulled my hand down, his finger still captured in my fist. I released it, and immediately he pointed it at me again, inches from my nose this time.

"Ugh, get a room," Louis snorted, and I tore my gaze away from Harry to pull a face at Louis.

"Hi Jess," Liam greeted me, after making his way around the room saying hello to everyone.

"Hi," I said as he leaned forward and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "How are you?"

"Ah, y'know. Not bad. Looking forward to the show. Are you excited? It's gonna be a great one!"

"Yeah, definitely," I nodded enthusiastically. "Can't wait."

"You excited to hear Perfect?" Louis asked.

"Oh my God, yes," I moaned. "I love it! Congratulations on an absolutely amazing song - and a single, too! Fantastic!"

"Yeah, we were pretty chuffed," Louis smiled. "Turns out you're a great muse. For Harry, I mean," he added quickly, and Harry smiled softly.

There was more noise from the doorway, and we looked up as a large group of people entered the room. I instantly recognised Louis' mum Johannah, and his sisters Lottie, Fiz, Daisy and Phoebe.

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