69 - I Just Wanna Tell The World That You're Mine

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The One Direction boys were at the BBC Music Awards the following evening, and I spent the whole night texting Harry from my sofa and squealing whenever they appeared on the screen, either in the audience or when they performed. Harry rang me once he was home and in bed, having chosen not to stay out and party with the others, and ended up falling asleep about ten minutes into the call. I decided not to wake him.

I was nervous for our date on Friday night as although we had agreed to go somewhere low key, Harry was still Harry Styles from One Direction, and the likelihood of being spotted was high. I raced home after work and jumped straight into the shower, washed, dried and straightened my hair and then stood in my dressing gown in front of my wardrobe, flipping through the hangers looking for something to wear. I wasn't sure if we were going anywhere dressy, but decided against a dress and instead opted for a pair of jet black skinnies, heels, and a sleeveless raspberry coloured chiffon top with a smart grey military-style jacket.

I spent ages doing my makeup, wanting to look as though I had made an effort. I thought longingly of Lou Teasdale and her aptitude with a makeup brush, and could only dream of such skill as I dropped loose eyeshadow on my cheek for the third time in ten seconds, and wearily removed it with the dab of a baby wipe. By half past seven I was ready and waiting in the lounge, and at seven thirty five my buzzer sounded and I quickly switched the lights out, picked up my bag and walked downstairs to the front door.

I opened it to the sight of Harry standing in the frosty air, forming a cloud of steam as he blew on his hands in an attempt to warm them. He raised his eyebrows and his stopped mid-breath when he looked at me.

"Wow," he said softly. "You look absolutely incredible."

"Thanks," I said, shyly, feeling self-conscious as he looked me up and down.

"I -" He stopped himself by biting his lip, and looked down at his feet for a moment before looking into my eyes again. "OK, I know you're not ready just yet, and I'm in no way pushing you, but... I can't wait until we're public. I can't wait to go out with you on my arm and show you off to the world. I'm sorry. I know you're not a piece of meat, but I can't help admiring you. I could stare into your eyes forever."

My face was now on fire and my stomach was performing somersaults and backflips. "Harry," I chastised shyly, looking away across the car park at the black Mercedes waiting in a parking bay with its lights on.

"You don't know how beautiful you are," he said softly, hooking his finger under my chin and turning my face back towards him.

"There's a song in there somewhere," I teased, and he rolled his eyes and huffed loudly, sending a cloud of steam into the air, an indulgent smile on his face.

"I love you," he said seriously, giving me a gentle peck on the lips, being careful not to smudge my lipstick.

"I love you too," I smiled. "And just for the record, you look absolutely amazing tonight yourself."

He brushed off my compliment with a wave of his hand and a soft smile, led me over to the car and opened the back door for me. I realised in surprise that he wasn't driving himself when I saw Dale in the front seat.

"Hi Jess," he greeted me as I slid in, gratefully relishing the warmth from the heated seats.

"Hi," I smiled. "I assumed Harry would be driving tonight."

"I thought we could relax and have a couple of drinks, as it's Friday night," Harry said, shutting the door behind us and buckling his seat belt next to me.

"You're planning on getting me drunk, Mr Styles?!" I protested in mock disbelief.

"That depends," he said seriously. "Would it lure you into bed?"

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