50 - Everything Else Just Fades Away

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Harry's hands slipped around my waist, pulling me gently against him as I draped my arms over his shoulders. His tongue gently slid along my bottom lip and I pressed my hands against the back of his neck, pulling him closer to me. His hips pushed against mine and I could feel him hardening in his jeans. I brought one hand down between us and gently pressed my palm against him, eliciting a soft moan that sent a jolt of desire through my body.

Without breaking our kiss, I pushed him back against the wall of the house just as the security light timed out and plunged us into darkness. He let out a small sigh as I curled the fingertips of both my hands over the top of the waistband of his skinny jeans and stroked his stomach. He thrust his hips gently forward, almost involuntarily, and then groaned softly at the friction he'd created. His kisses became more urgent and his hands gripped my waist tightly, and then slowly slid up my sides under my top, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. I held my breath in anticipation.

The security light came on again without warning, flooding the patio with unforgiving fluorescence, and there was a small gasp. We broke apart quickly and looked up to see Gemma, who must have just appeared round the corner, standing stock still staring at us, clearly horrified.

"Uh, s-sorry," she stammered, turning away and covering her eyes as I straightened my top and Harry pushed himself away from the wall, adjusted his jeans, and then pulled me to stand in front of him. "People were asking where you were," she mumbled, still not looking at us.

"I just came outside for some fresh air," I squeaked, feeling heat rising rapidly in my cheeks at the humiliation of being caught in such a heated moment of passion.

"And I came to find her," Harry said, clearing his throat.

Gemma chanced a glance at us, and her face broke into a smile as what she had interrupted finally sank in. Her gaze fell to Harry's hand gently resting on my waist. "Are you back together?" she squealed excitedly.

"Um, yeah," Harry said awkwardly, running a hand through his hair, and I smiled and nodded.

"That's fantastic!" she beamed, clasping her hands together in a gesture reminiscent of Anne. "I'd come over there and hug you but I think it would be rather inappropriate considering what you were just doing." She grimaced. "So, uh, I'll just say an awkward Congratulations and leave you to it."

"We're coming back in now," I said quickly.

"Are we?" Harry murmured in my ear, frowning.

"Yes," I insisted, stepping away from him to follow Gemma as she disappeared back around the corner with a small wave. "Everyone will be looking for us, and they're all here to celebrate the end of the tour with you."

He sighed and nodded, and then gave me half a smirk before extending his hand to me in a handshake.

"Well, I'm glad we got everything sorted out," he said formally.

I smirked and extended my hand too, playing along, but as my hand slipped into his he tightened his grip and pulled hard, forcing me to stumble forward into his chest. His left arm immediately slid around my waist, holding me against him, and I started to grin as I looked up at him.

"Still got it," he said with a hint of smugness, making my stomach flip.

I rolled my eyes. "You fancy yourself a bit, don't you?"

He lowered his face to mine as if to kiss me, but stopped millimetres from my lips. "Not half as much as you do," he breathed.

Then he kissed me again, proving (unnecessarily) that he was absolutely right.

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