62 - The Necessity For Apologies

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"Oh God," I said desperately to Lou, turning away so that hopefully Sara wouldn't see me. "I don't think I can do this again. I don't have the strength left in me for round two."

Lou's eyes widened slightly as she surveyed me. I didn't doubt that my distress was obvious. "OK," she said uncertainly. "D'you want to walk away?"

I nodded, keeping my eyes fixed on hers, and she nodded too before taking my hand and turning sideways to slip through the crowd. Nadine's words, although spawned from bitterness and hate, had shaken me and knocked my confidence. I definitely couldn't take another battering, not from the person who had slept with Harry behind my back.


My stomach lurched as I heard the unfamiliar female voice calling my name, and I dropped my head down and stared at the floor as we attempted to make our escape. It could only be Sara, and I hoped with all my heart that she would take the hint and let me leave with dignity.

"Jessica! Excuse me..."

I reluctantly looked up and as I suspected Sara Sampaio, aka the object of months of my misery, was standing a few feet away trying to get my attention. Her shiny dark hair cascaded over her shoulders like a waterfall, and rested gracefully on her bare shoulders. Her skin was smooth and flawless, her teeth were white and straight. She was stunning.

"I'm just leaving, sorry," I mumbled, forcing my gaze away as I felt the sting of tears behind my eyes at the sight of her. Although Nadine's engineering had been the cause of the whole New York fiasco, Harry had still slept with Sara while he was in love with me. Knowing that he had kissed her, touched her, wanted her when he should have only had eyes for me was somehow harder to accept when she was standing right in front of me, looking nothing like the horse I had painted her to be in my head. She was absolutely beautiful in the flesh.

"Please wait," she said softly, reaching her hand out and touching my arm. "I'm sure I'm the last person you want to see, but please just hear me out."

There was no spiteful gleam in her eyes as there had been in Nadine's; only sincerity. I stopped.

"What is it?" I asked, bluntly, and Lou stopped too, turning and looking back at us with apprehension.

"Can we go somewhere and talk?" Sara asked.

"No," I replied. "Whatever you have to say, say it here."

"OK," she nodded. "I owe you an apology."

Whatever I was expecting, it wasn't that. I stared at her, confusion and distrust clouding my judgement.

"I'm sorry for what happened with Harry," she said quickly. "I should never have chased after him when I knew he was seeing someone. Nothing can excuse that."

"No it can't," I interrupted.

"I know," she said, hanging her head in shame and averting her eyes momentarily. "Please believe me, if I could go back and change it, I would. I am so sorry for ruining your relationship. And I'm honestly really happy that you're back together."

"It's none of your business," I said steelily, pleased that my voice sounded clear and confident when inside I was on the verge of crumbling.

"I know it isn't," she accepted. "I'm not trying to play games, I swear. I'm just trying to put things right. When I mess up, I apologise. And I messed up big time, so I'm apologising. I'm not going to insult you by offering pathetic excuses. I shouldn't have done it, and I'm sorry that I did. I think Harry is a really great guy, and I would never deliberately try and wreck things for him."

She had been staring earnestly into my eyes the whole time and I held her gaze, attempting to keep my face impassive while trying not to imagine Harry's lips on hers, his hands roaming her body, his touch igniting her desire.

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