51 - Best I Ever Had

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November 2015

Daylight was poking around the edges of the curtains when I opened my eyes. Harry's bedside lamp was still on and he was fast asleep, half on top of me, his legs tangled in mine. I glanced at the clock. It was almost half past eight.

I lay still for a minute, listening out for any movement from downstairs, but the house was silent. Considering no one had gone to bed before four o'clock this morning, this wasn't surprising. It must have been at least five before Harry and I had fallen asleep. I carefully untangled myself from him, slid out of bed, pulled on a pair of knickers and a camisole, and ducked into the ensuite. When I came out, I got back into bed and pulled the covers over both of us so if anyone happened to barge in unexpectedly they wouldn't be greeted by the sight of stark-naked Harry sprawled on the bed. Not that this would be an unwelcome sight in most people's opinion, I thought to myself wickedly.

Beside me, stark-naked Harry stirred. I watched him as he gave a deep sigh, shifted from his front to his side, and opened his eyes.

"Hi," I smiled.

"Hi," he whispered back. "You're beautiful."

"You are," I countered, my smile widening at these simple words that gave me the ability to soar above the clouds.

"You are," he argued back childishly, grinning and reaching for me before frowning. "Why do you have clothes on?"

"I was cold, and needed a wee," I confessed.

"I need a wee too," he mused. "I love how we can share these things."

I giggled and scooted into his arms, slipping my knee between his legs, and he leaned forward and kissed me softly.

"I love you," I murmured.

"I love you too, baby," he murmured back. "How do you look this good after so little sleep?"

"Because you're probably still drunk," I replied.

"Pfft, nonsense," he scoffed. "You always look amazing. You looked incredible last night, at the show. I couldn't take my eyes off you."

"You gave me butterflies every time you looked at me," I admitted, shyly, and he smiled at me and kissed me again.

"I really need a wee," he sighed, rolling onto his back. "Why don't you go downstairs and make me a brew, and I'll meet you back in bed after my wee?"

I rolled my eyes. "It's a good job you're drop dead gorgeous, Styles," I said. "You get away with murder." I climbed out of bed and pulled a pair of Harry's boxers on over my knickers so I wouldn't be walking around his mum's house half naked. He sat up and watched me.

"Are you really going to make me a brew?" he grinned.

"You asked didn't you?" I smiled. "I don't mind. I don't think anyone's up yet anyway. I'll be really quick."

I scooted back around the bed and gave him a kiss, and then tiptoed out of his bedroom, closing the door behind me, and silently descended the stairs. The kitchen was empty, and I scurried over to the kettle, switched it on, pulled a couple of cups out of the cupboard and threw a tea bag in each.

It boiled in record time - it must have been one of those quick boil ones - and I poured the hot water into the cups. I was just reaching up to put the tea bags away when two warm hands slid up my sides and cupped my breasts, and a pair of soft lips pressed against my neck.

"I could seriously bend you over this worktop right now and fųck you into oblivion," Harry murmured in my ear as his fingertips gently pinched my nipples.

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