72 - Kisses Like Cream

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Harry dropped me off home the following morning so I could pack a bag, and then collected me again at lunchtime. I put my things in the boot of his car, including several bags containing presents for his family and my family, and then we made the journey up the M1 to Cambridge to spend a couple of days with my parents.

My mum had made up a double bed for me and Harry to sleep in, much to my relief. My dad made no comment, undoubtedly under strict instructions from my mum, and both days passed by uneventfully and peacefully. Calvin didn't arrive until the following evening, much to Harry's relief. My mum cooked a small Christmas dinner for us all, and we played board games, drank too much wine and watched Christmas films on television. There were a handful of presents under the tree for Harry from my parents, and he had brought gifts for them too, so we spent an awkward half-hour sitting in the living room watching each other unwrap them. I was surprised to see that Harry had bought a bottle of Jack Daniel's for Calvin, and even more surprised to see that Calvin had bought Harry a bottle of 2001 Chateau Musar. Judging by the look on Harry's face he hadn't been expecting anything either, and I took this unusually thoughtful gesture from Calvin as a good sign that he was finally accepting my relationship with Harry, and was getting over any ill feeling he had previously harboured towards him. He didn't even make a fuss when we bade everyone goodnight at around midnight, even though I knew he knew we were sleeping in the same bed. It was a relief to be treated like a twenty two year old rather than a twelve year old, for a change.

We left for Holmes Chapel after breakfast on Wednesday, and arrived late morning. Anne had decorated the house beautifully and tastefully, and welcomed us with open arms, literally. We went to Marbury Park for a walk in the afternoon, and in the evening Harry went to see some old school friends for a video games night, so I stayed in with Anne and Gemma, drinking mulled wine and eating delicious homemade canapés. We were all in bed before Harry arrived home, and he slid into bed beside me around two o'clock, slipping his arm around my waist and kissing my neck.

"I like coming home to you waiting in my bed for me," he murmured softly. "I could get used to this."

"Mmmm," I mumbled back sleepily, and he squeezed me gently, tucking himself in behind me so we fitted together like spoons.

I woke before him on Christmas Eve. His arm was still draped over me, and I carefully manoeuvred myself out from underneath it, pulled a hoodie on over my camisole, straightened my pyjama bottoms and went downstairs. It was only half past eight, but Anne was already up and dressed, and she smiled at me as I entered the kitchen.

"Hi love," she said.

"Hi," I smiled. "Is it ok if I make a cup of tea to take up to Harry?"

"Of course!" she said. "You don't have to ask. Help yourself to anything."

I filled up the kettle and rinsed out the teapot while I waited for it to boil, and then took three mugs out of the cupboard.

"What time did Harry get home?" Anne asked, passing me the milk out of the fridge.

"Around two," I replied. "I was flat out."

We chatted while the tea brewed, and then I handed her a mug and took the other two back upstairs to Harry's room. He hadn't moved from the position I'd left him in, so I set the mugs down beside the bed and went into the ensuite for a shower. When I emerged he had rolled over onto my side of the bed, and opened his eyes sleepily when he heard the bathroom door open. 

"Morning," I whispered.

"Why are you up so early?" he mumbled.

"It's after nine," I reminded him as I crossed the room and sat down on the edge of the bed. 

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