10 - In His Arms I Get Weak

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As soon as we came back into the club I saw Callie standing by the bar with Gary. I slipped away from Louis and pushed my way through the crowd towards her, and she smiled when she saw me.

"Where have you been? Gary said you'd gone off somewhere with Louis Tomlinson but we couldn't find you."

"We were outside," I said. "I may have done something really stupid."

"Oh God," Callie groaned, closing her eyes. "What did you do?"

"IkissedLouis," I mumbled.

Callie's eyes flew open. "What?!" she yelped.

"I know, I know," I said hastily, as Gary stared at me in disbelief. "It was a stupid move. It was just a peck, he didn't even kiss me back, really."

"Really...?" Callie echoed.

"Well he sort of pecked me but I think it was more instinct rather than desire. Although he did say..," I trailed off, my cheeks burning at my bold statement a few minutes earlier.

"What did he say?" she demanded. Gary was listening with his mouth half open.

"He just sort of said he knew I would, and -"

"Would what?"

I rolled my eyes, the colour in my cheeks deepening. "You know. Like, I would. As in, I wouldn't kick him out of bed."

"And what did you say?"

"I said that he would, too. And... he just said 'True.' And then we came back inside."

"What is it with members of One Direction wanting to shag you?!" Callie breathed.

"I don't know!" I said. "It would never happen, obviously. I don't know what I was thinking, kissing him like that. He set me straight though, to his credit. Thank God. I dread to think what would have happened if he hadn't."

Callie shook her head. "You never cease to amaze me."

"Don't," I groaned. "I shouldn't be allowed out of the house without supervision. I keep messing my life up."

"What did Louis say about Harry?" Gary asked.

"Just that he's struggling with some band stuff," I said, evasively. "He reckons Harry does love me, and that I should talk to him. Which is sort of difficult when Harry won't even acknowledge me."

"You're not actually considering going back there are you?!" Callie said, incredulously.

"No, of course not," I snapped.

"You need to look forward," she said, bossily. "You have a date with Adam on Sunday. He's really excited about it."

"Who's Adam?" Gary asked.

"Harry's written songs about me," I blurted.

"What?!" Callie practically shouted, and I looked away. "Jess, you can not seriously be considering getting involved with him again," she scolded. "He's made you miserable since the day you met him. I don't care how much he loves you, you can't just let him walk all over you."

"Callie's right," Gary said. "You seem to have no common sense when it comes to him. And he uses it to his advantage."

"No he doesn't," I argued.

"Always defending him," Callie said to Gary, who shook his head sadly.

"I'm not!" I protested, feeling the sting of tears behind my eyes. I was so sick of crying. Since when had I become such a pathetic creature?

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