58 - Minibars, Expensive Cars

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An enormous black Mercedes pulled up outside Callie's flat at quarter to six on the dot the following morning. It was pitch black outside, freezing cold and drizzling. I pulled my hood up and tucked my chin into my collar as I scurried from the shelter of the front door to the waiting car, and was thankful for the heated leather seats as I slid into the back. Before I could reach out to pull the door shut, Paul pressed a button from the front and it closed slowly, all by itself.

"Wow," I remarked. "Impressive."

"It's new," Paul smiled at me in the rearview mirror. "Modest have just upgraded the fleet. Extra-toughened glass, top of the range interior, practically silent to drive."

He pressed a button and the light dimmed inside the car from a warm glow to a cool tone.

"Feel free to put the TV on," he offered, and I noticed the television screens set into the backs of the headrests.

"Wow again," I breathed. I'd never really taken much notice of cars before, but this one was magnificent. It put my broken-down Peugeot to shame.

"Good isn't it," Paul enthused. "One of these will set you back a good hundred and fifty grand."

He talked me through the different controls as we made our way to Hampstead Heath to pick up Harry, and I leaned forward in my seat with interest.

The gates opened to allow the car into the drive and I saw Harry closing his front door and locking it as Paul jumped out to grab the bags. Once they were loaded into the boot Harry opened the back door and slid in beside me.

"Morning baby," he murmured, leaning over to give me a kiss.

"Mmmhhh," I mumbled.

"How's your head?" he grinned.

"As you'd expect after too much wine," I grumbled.

He chuckled softly as he fastened his seat belt and made himself comfortable as we headed towards Heathrow. We arrived shortly after half past six and I managed to keep my face hidden underneath my hood as we hurried past a few lonely-looking paparazzi and into the terminal. We checked in at a private desk and were immediately taken through airport security to our own lounge, where Liam was already waiting with his bodyguard Paddy. He stood up to give me a hug and a kiss on the cheek, and I inwardly screamed and tried to play it cool. As he released me my bag fell off my shoulder and I flapped around trying to pick it up, standing on Liam's foot in the process.


"Sorry!" I squeaked, colour flooding my face as I stood up quickly and almost cracked heads with him as he bent down to rub his toe.

"Woah," he said, dodging out of the way and then laughing at my horrified expression. "Good job there's nothing of you," he teased.

I laughed back nervously, suddenly tongue-tied, and glanced around for Harry, hoping he would come to my rescue.

"Thought you were over the fangirl thing?" Harry smirked from behind me.

"Aww, don't make fun of her," Liam chided Harry, smiling affectionately down at me, and sending an excited wobble through my entire body that turned my bones to jelly. I could only blame last night's alcohol for my abandonment of chill; in the drama of Callie and James' breakup I hadn't prepared myself for hanging out with One Direction.

"She's hungover," Harry explained, grinning delightedly at me.

"You needn't look so happy about it," I huffed.

"Who's hungover?" asked a South Yorkshire accent from the doorway, and my stomach somersaulted as I turned and saw Louis walking into the room. "Ouch, never mind," he grinned when he saw me, and I pulled a face at him and turned away as he walked towards me. "Morning Jessie!" he shouted in my ear, and I winced as the volume caused my head to pound, and I buried my face in Harry's chest.

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