67 - Been Away For Ages

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December 2015

November dragged impossibly slowly into December, punctuated by a Saturday spent trawling round ridiculously expensive shops in Mayfair with Callie looking for inspiration for a Christmas present for Harry. Although Callie insisted it was pointless worrying about how much money he was spending on me, I couldn't help wondering what he had bought for me and how I would be able to find something special enough for him in return. We traipsed into endless clothes and cosmetic boutiques looking at jazzy shirts, designer moisturiser and vintage jewellery. I bought him a new Jack Wills hoodie since he had outgrown his old one and given it to me, but this was more of a token gesture of amusement rather than a main gift.

I was eventually struck by inspiration thanks to the window of the Cartier shop, and after an hour examining different styles of men's watches, I left the shop considerably poorer but in possession of a beautiful new watch for Harry that I was certain he would love.

"I need a coffee," Callie declared as we turned right out of the door and headed in the direction of Piccadilly.

"I need a stiff whiskey," I muttered, wondering how on earth I was going to be able to afford Christmas presents for anyone else for the next ten years. "But if we cut down Burlington Gardens there's a Starbucks on the left."

As we passed an antique shop on the corner something in the window caught my eye and I stopped dead.

"Wait!" I called to Callie. I peered closely, my nose almost touching the glass, at a beautiful oak cigar box with rounded edges and a smooth finish. Engraved into the lid, almost certainly by hand, was the word 'Styles' in ornate writing.

I pressed the buzzer on the door and an elderly gentleman let us in, and fetched the box out of the window for me. It was even more beautiful up close. It was in immaculate condition inside and out, and polished to perfection.

"How much is it?" I asked with trepidation.

"Two hundred," the shopkeeper replied, and my heart sank.

"Jess, you can't possibly afford that too," Callie breathed.

"I know," I sighed. "It's just perfect, though."

"Is it for a present?" the man asked, and I nodded. "We have some other cigar boxes that are less expensive," he offered.

"No, it's this one that I liked," I said, staring down at it and wondering whether another two hundred pounds would make any difference to my current financial state after the amount I had already spent that day. I had just wiped out over half my entire savings account on Harry's watch, and if my Dad ever found out he would kill me with his bare hands. Not to mention what Calvin would do if he knew I had blown a few grand on a guy he hated.

"Does he even smoke?" Callie asked, eyeing the cigar box with confusion.

"No, but he leaves his rings and watch by the side of the bed at night," I explained, and she gave a nod of understanding. "He could put them in this instead. I feel like it was made for him." I paused for a moment, staring down at it, my mind racing. "Can you do me a deal?" I asked boldly, deciding I had nothing to lose, apart from my cash.

The man smiled. "What sort of deal were you thinking?"

"Well, preferably one where I pay a lot less for this cigar box than the two hundred you quoted me, because I've just blown my entire net worth on my boyfriend's Christmas present and will be eating beans on toast for the foreseeable future," I replied.

The shopkeeper threw his head back and laughed. "I like your honesty. But I can't do anything less than one eighty on this one."

"Really?" I said, sadly. "That's the very best you can do?"

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