80 - Here We Go Again

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I was upset saying goodbye to Harry the following morning, as I now wouldn't see him for a week and a half until I flew out to LA for his birthday. I tried to blink back tears, and he wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me tightly, kissing my neck softly and rubbing my back with the palm of his hand.

"Gonna miss you," he murmured into my hair.

"I know," I mumbled back, burying my face in his chest and squeezing him too.

I kissed him repeatedly: in the kitchen, at the front door, on the car deck, and through the car window as I was pulling out of the drive. I reminded myself we would only be spending a few days apart, but this didn't stop the tears from falling down my cheeks as I sat in traffic on the North Circular on my way into work. It was even more depressing coming home to an empty house that evening, especially after the bustle and excitement of the last few weeks.

I woke up on Harry's side of the bed on Wednesday morning, hugging his pillow and feeling dejected. I rolled over and picked up my phone to see that he had texted me an hour previously.

From: Harry: Just landed xx

To: Harry: Miss you so much already xxxxxxx

I sneaked a look on Twitter to see if he had been spotted, and was greeted by videos of him being mobbed at LAX by fans, and struggling to find his car amidst the chaos. He had posed for a few photos while he waited for the right car to arrive, and I chuckled softly at the look of quiet desperation on his face as he smiled into the camera phones.

I had just got out of the shower when I heard my phone ping with another text.

From: Harry: So I couldn't find my car at LAX today. Yeah, that was embarrassing.

To: Harry: Haha!! I saw a video of it on Twitter!! xxx

From: Harry: Course you did 😒

To: Harry: 😂 Where were your mum and Robin? xx

From: Harry: They went on ahead in the first car. There was a mess up with the arrangements. Looks like Briana is in labour, just had a text from Louis. He's on his way over to her house now, as she's in the early stages apparently x

That got my attention. I squealed out loud, before texting Harry back.


From: Harry: Stop shouting xx

From: Harry: Just kidding, I love you xx

I sent a quick text to Louis, not wishing to pester him, and certainly not expecting a reply, but just wanting to wish him well.

To: Louis: Good luck to you and Briana! Thinking of you, eeeeek! xx

I was more than surprised when a text came through just as I was arriving at work.

From: Louis: Thanks! Nothing much is happening yet, and I feel a bit like a spare part. I'll keep you posted though x

I didn't say a word to anyone about it, but risked a look on Twitter again while I was on my lunch, and was happy to see that no one had leaked the news yet, although I was sure it wouldn't be long until they did. It appeared that the latest topic of discussion in the fandom was the reason for Harry's visit to LA. Since the pictures of Harry and Kendall on the yacht over New Year, everyone had been waiting for the next installment of their romance, and it seemed everyone had taken Harry's arrival in LA as proof their relationship was going strong, since he was "obviously spending his birthday with Kendall."

I frowned at the countless tweets; my usual amusement at sneaking around behind everyone's backs and outsmarting the media somewhat lacking. I closed Twitter abruptly, and shoved my phone back in my bag, feeling mildly irritated but not quite sure why, and unable to shake off the impatience for the rest of the day. I spent the evening on my laptop working through some referred insurance applications, in an attempt to take my mind off the gossip on Twitter, and was glad when Harry called me just as I was shutting the laptop lid and contemplating making a cup of tea.

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