14 - What You're Missing

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I stared down at him, my heart thumping. His face had relaxed, and he was breathing deeply again. Was he even aware what he had just said? He was so drunk, he could have said anything. I watched him sleep for a couple of seconds and then gave myself a shake. I needed to get out of here.

I grabbed my bag and walked to the door without looking back. I opened it silently and stepped out into the corridor.

"You OK Jess?" a voice asked from next to me and I squeaked in surprise as I saw Dale standing guard a few feet away.

"Yeah, fine... I just need a taxi home," I replied.

"I'll call a car," he said, pulling out his phone.

"No, really," I said, walking quickly down the corridor to the lift. "I'll just get a taxi."

"Harry would kill me if he thought I let you get a taxi home alone," he said, jogging to catch up with me.

"Well, Harry's asleep. What he doesn't know won't hurt him," I said.

The lift was already on its way up. I waited impatiently, tapping my foot.

The lift doors opened and I was about to step forward when someone stepped out and bumped into me.

"Woah... steady!"

"Hi Louis," I sighed, and behind him his bodyguard smiled at me.

"Jessieeee!" Louis grinned as I stepped into the lift and pressed the button. "Wait - where are you going?"

The lift doors began to close and he dived in quickly, escaping Dale and Preston, and the lift started to descend.

"What are you doing?" I moaned, closing my eyes.

"I think it's me who should be asking you that," he said. "Where are you going? Where's Harry?"

"Home. Asleep," I answered.

"You did a runner and left him in bed?" he asked in disbelief.

"Um, excuse me? What makes you think anything like... that happened?"I asked defensively.

He raised an eyebrow at me. "You've got that just-fųcked look," he said, and smirked as I blushed. "Suits you," he added, and winked.

"Louis," I said faintly.

"So, either Harry was a let down," he continued, as if comments about my post-coıtal appearance were perfectly acceptable and didn't make my legs tremble, "or you have somewhere important to be at..." he looked at his watch, "four minutes to three in the morning."

I didn't answer, but stared at the lift buttons again.

"Not talking, huh?" he grinned. "We can go up and down like this all night if you want. Although I'm guessing you've already had enough up and down tonight..."

He cackled as I opened my mouth and glared at him.

"You have a filthy mind," I snapped, my heart pounding.

"No... I just speak my mind," he grinned. "So come on. Why are you doing a runner? Did he tell you everything?"

"Yeah," I sighed. "I can't believe you're taking a break. Makes sense though."

Louis stared at me. "That's what you can't believe?"

"What do you mean?" I asked as the lift reached the bottom floor and pinged. The doors started to open but he banged his fist on the buttons so they closed and it began to ascend again. "Louis!" I protested.

"What exactly did Harry tell you?" he asked, ignoring my whining and looking me hard in the face.

"Wh - just that he was upset and scared over the break... why are you looking at me like that?"

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