Q & A

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Here's the Q & A, as promised! I've answered everything that I can, in the order the comments were left on the chapter. Some questions were similar, so if I've already answered it, I haven't repeated myself! Obviously my answers relate to the characters in this series only, and not the real life people!! So here we go, and thanks for reading! xx


dhara1212 : What does Maddie do now?

Maddie went to university and trained to be a nurse. She works in A & E (Accident & Emergency) at a hospital about an hour away from Cambridge, and sees her family regularly. She is still a fan of One Direction, and still inwardly squeals over Harry. (Once a fangirl, always a fangirl.)

DeniseMarmolejos2 : I would love to know how Callie's relationship with Calvin bloomed, if so a short book on that please if its possible for you.

I'm afraid I won't be writing a story of Callie and Calvin at this stage, although it would be a fun one to do! In short, Calvin went after Callie the night of Jess and Harry's anniversary and the house party. Callie was devastated because she thought she had lost Jess' friendship forever, and she was in a pretty bad way. Calvin is a ladies' man, as you know, and has known Callie for years through Jess. Callie has always thought he was good-looking, and even mentioned she'd had a dirty dream about him once when talking to Jess about the Louis dream. They went back to Calvin's place, Maddie went to bed, and Calvin tried to calm Callie down. One thing led to another, emotions were running high, and they ended up in bed together. Calvin was pretty mortified the next morning, mainly because he knew Jess would kill him for messing Callie around, and also because he felt he had taken advantage of Callie while she was upset. Callie was terrified of Jess finding out, because she thought Jess would be furious and it would ruin any chance they ever had of becoming friends again. However, Callie and Calvin met up a few days later to talk about it, and it ended up happening again, and then a few more times after that. They slowly became closer over the following few weeks, and made it official a couple of months later. Jess was shocked at first, but once she saw how happy and well-suited they were, she was pleased for them and eventually forgave Callie for her mistakes. After all, they were best friends, and Jess has a forgiving nature, as Harry rightly pointed out. She knows she isn't perfect herself, and she doesn't expect others to be, either.

ValerieRuiz6 : I want a bonus chapter or small book about Callie and Calvin... like I'm totally digging this couple

They do make an awesome couple! But I have no plans for a bonus chapter either, sorry, but I hope I summed up their story enough with the previous answer!

bonbonphoenix : After this last chapter, I think it would be awesome to get Harry's POV for the birth of their first child 😂 if you're not going to do the same moments after the end of book 4, I would love to read about that! 😊

I will be covering the same events in Harry's POV as in Jess's, so I won't be writing about the birth of their first child, but he was a nervous wreck, and sobbed like a baby when Oliver was born. There is more to the proposal chapter to be revealed in Harry's POV that I'm looking forward to writing, so Trace readers - keep an eye out for updates!

LydiaLeftwich : I wanna know how the other boys of One Direction are doing and if they are still in touch with Harry and Jess and I definitely want to know how Callie and Calvin's relationship bloomed and one last thing, I wanna know Harry and Jess's reaction to having their first child.

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