46 - The Proof Is In This Song

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"You were a bit hard on him," I said to Callie as we walked back into the lounge.

She stopped dead in her tracks and stared at me in undisguised disbelief.

"Are you actually joking?" she sneered. "He's all over Twitter for shagging another model. Haven't you seen?"

"Yes, I've seen Twitter, and no, he isn't shagging her," I said, shortly. "We've talked about it, briefly. It isn't how it looks. When is it ever?" I added, and her face softened.

"True," she muttered. "Sorry. My head's all over the place and I hate men right now."

We settled on the sofa and I muted the TV.

"So, come on. What's happened?" I asked. "You said you think James is cheating on you?"

Her bottom lip trembled and she quickly pulled it between her teeth and looked down at the carpet.

"He sent me this message..." She pulled her phone out and read aloud in a trembling voice, "'Hi beautiful. Sorry I can't see you tonight but I can't get away. How about Friday night?' Two kisses." She paused and looked up at me. "He'd literally just got off the phone to me after making arrangements to see me after work, then he sent me this. And he knows I'm out for a work convention on Friday!" she wailed, dropping her head into her hands and sobbing. "That message was meant for someone else, I know it was!"

I put my arms around her and rubbed her back, my mind whirring. "Callie - have you asked him about it?" I asked, after a minute.

There was a pause while she sniffed. "No."

"Maybe there's an innocent explanation?" I suggested softly. "Maybe something happened right after your phonecall, so he can't get away from work to see you, and he's forgotten you're busy on Friday?"

Callie didn't answer, but cried quietly into my shoulder.

"Has he done anything else to make you suspect he's being unfaithful?" I asked.

"Things haven't been the same," she said, vaguely. "I've felt like he's been distant lately. He's been busy with work so I haven't seen him as much as usual."

"Do you think... maybe... you've jumped to the wrong conclusion?" I said gently.

"I don't know," she mumbled, but her tone suggested this was a strong possibility.

"Why don't you call him and ask him about it?" I said. "Put your mind at rest?"

"And say what? 'Hi babe, just checking - are you cheating on me?'"

"No, just ring him and ask why he's suddenly unavailable tonight when he told you he was free," I offered.

"I don't think I can," she said, her voice wobbling. "I'll be able to tell if he's lying to me and I don't think I'm ready to deal with that just yet."

"You've got to!" I exclaimed. "Where's the Callie I know, who never takes any shıt from anyone, least of all men?!"

"Under James's thumb," she mumbled, covering her face with her hands.

"Not for much longer," I said, firmly, picking up her phone and handing it to her. "Ring him and ask him. Take back control."

I stood up and she looked up at me nervously. "Where are you going?" she asked.

"To get us a drink," I replied. "Do you want wine? Or a brew?"

"Just a brew, I think," she sighed. "Not really in the mood for wine. I want you to listen to the call, though. I'll ring him on speakerphone. Tell me if you think he's bullshittıng me."

No Control | Holding Me Ransom (Book 2)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora