34 - Giving It To Someone Else

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I pressed my body up against Adam's as I kissed him with as much fire and passion as I could. He placed one hand gently on my back, as though inviting me closer. I let my hands slip from his neck to the buttons on his shirt and began undoing them, and he rested his fingers on my waist. I opened his shirt to run my fingers over his chest, and was surprised at how smooth and muscly he was. I had never really noticed before.

He seemed hesitant, like he didn't want to be the one to initiate this, but I was happy to be in control of it. I was determined to get Harry out of my head.

Adam's hands gently slipped under the hem of my top and stroked the bottom of my back. I broke away from him and pulled my top off before reaching for his face again and pulling it down to mine.

"Christ," he whispered just before our lips met again. His arms slid around me, crushing me against his chest and I leaned backwards, pulling him on top of me on the bed. The room began to spin as I fumbled clumsily with the button on his jeans, desperately trying to undo it so I could pull them off.

"Woah, woah, take it easy," he murmured gently, so instead I unfastened my own jeans and slid them down my thighs. "Jess," he said uncertainly, but I silenced him with another kiss and he lay his full weight on me as he kissed me back. I tugged impatiently at his jeans again, and he pulled away from me to look me in the eye questioningly.

"What?" I asked, breathing heavily, trying to focus on his face.

"Nothing - you just seem different tonight, that's all," he said, his breathing matching mine.

"Yeah, well, I finally realised what I want," I slurred. I pulled him down to me again and kissed him deeply, but he pulled away again after a couple of seconds.

"Jess," he said in a strangled voice as I reached between us and ran my hand over the front of his half-open jeans. I could feel him, long and hard.

"Come on," I said, in my best attempt at seductive. He closed his eyes for a moment as I rubbed my hand over him with increasing pressure.

I pushed myself up a bit and kissed him again, more roughly this time as my impatience grew at his hesitance. We kissed like this for a couple of seconds and I pulled him down to me again but to my annoyance he pulled away again.

"Jess - stop," he said.

"What do you mean, stop?" I demanded thickly.

"Just... stop," he said, pushing himself off the bed.

"Why?" I asked, feeling a sting of rejection as I sat up in my underwear and looked at him. "Don't you want to?"

"Of course I do," he muttered. "But you don't."

"What?" I gaped. "Don't be ridiculous. I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't."

"You're drunk," he stated. "You're slurring your words. As much as I want to, I'm not going to take advantage of you while you're like this."

"I am not drunk!" I declared indignantly, sweeping my arm wildly and knocking the lamp off the bedside table. "Shit!" I swore, scrambling to pick it up. It took me a couple of attempts to stand it back up properly.

"You are," he said softly, pulling his shirt back on. "And I don't think you really want this. With me."

I was beginning to feel exposed and vulnerable in my underwear while he was fully clothed, and he seemed to sense this because he grabbed the dressing gown that was hanging on a hook by the bathroom door and handed it to me.

"I do," I protested weakly as I slipped it on and haphazardly pulled it closed.

Adam sat on the edge of the bed next to me. "I don't believe you," he said, not unkindly.

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