82 - Everybody Wants You

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"It's nothing, really," he said uncomfortably, but my stomach dropped to my shoes at the look on his face.

"What's nothing?" I asked, when he hesitated.

"Someone made a pass at me, a while ago," he began, and I stared at him, my heart thumping painfully in my chest. "An air hostess, called Megan. She tried to kiss me, and I literally had to lean back to get away from her. I set her straight immediately, but this morning she, uh..." He cleared his throat nervously.

"She what?" I squeaked.

"She sent me a picture. Of herself. Um, sort of topless."

"What?" I barked.

"I didn't ask her to!" he yelped. "It came out of nowhere! I haven't spoken to her in months! Look..."

He pulled his phone out of his pocket, but I held my hand out in front of me, shielding my eyes from the potential view of another woman's breasts.

"I don't want to see!" I squealed.

"I want you to," he insisted. "And I need you to see my reply to her, in case this ever comes back to bite me on the arse."

I stared at him, horrified, while he unlocked his phone, tapped the screen and turned it to face me. There was a message thread with the name 'Megan Smith' at the top, and a picture of a girl with her arms partially covering her chest, but exposing enough flesh to indicate she wasn't wearing any clothes on her top half.

"What the fuck...?" I breathed. Who was this little tramp sending naked pictures to my boyfriend?! 

"I'm sorry," he said, helplessly. "Look at the other messages - I didn't encourage her, I swear! I told her I wasn't interested ages ago, and then suddenly, out of the blue, she sent me this!"

I glanced over the thread. There was a text from Harry to Megan back in August, asking how Megan's mother was, and a reply from Megan saying that she was a lot better. The next one was the message accompanying the topless picture, that read, Thinking about you. Wanna meet up? ;) This was followed by a message from Harry: Megan, I've got a girlfriend. Please don't send me stuff like this, it isn't appropriate.

"When did you tell her you weren't interested?" I asked.

"Twice, last summer. She tried to kiss me once but I managed to pull away in time, and then she caught me off guard a couple of weeks later and kissed me on a flight. I told her again it wasn't going to happen and I thought she'd got the message. She's a nice girl, she worked on the jet while we were touring the US, and came to a couple of shows. The other lads used to wind me up about her, saying she was into me. Once I realised they were right and she was, I set her straight. Or so I thought."

"Why didn't you tell me about her sooner?"

"I'd forgotten all about it," he sighed. "You and I weren't even on speaking terms at the time. It was only when I got this picture that I thought I should probably mention it to you, but I wanted to talk to you in person and you were already on the plane on your way here. I was going to show you when you arrived, just to cover my back really. And as you can see, she hasn't replied to me since."

I let out a long breath as I processed his words, relieved that this latest revelation was something and nothing. Harry gave me a tentative smile.

"Are we OK?" he asked, and I smiled softly.

"Yeah, course we are," I assured him. "It would take more than a stupid topless picture to shake us. Even if I am fizzing inside at her sheer audacity."

He sighed deeply and took me in his arms again, kissing the top of my head gently. "Thank you," he murmured into my hair. "I don't know where you find this depth of trust in me, but I can't explain how much it means to me. Everyone else has always run a mile."

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