24 - Nothing's Making Sense

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"Hi," he said nervously, when I didn't say anything.

"What are you doing here?" I finally asked, managing to take control of my mouth.

"I wanted to see you," he said, softly. His hands remained in his pockets but his eyes were fixed firmly on mine.

"Sarah said she didn't tell you where I was!" I blurted, and he shuffled awkwardly before answering.

"She didn't. I had to Google your company. She said you were working in another branch, and according to the website there's only London and Cardiff. So I got the postcode and... here I am."

I stared at him while I processed this, taking in his gaunt complexion, the bags under his eyes and his tired expression.

"You look terrible," I said, before I could stop myself, and he gave an embarrassed smile.

"You look amazing," he countered, and my stomach backflipped.

I glanced nervously over my shoulder, but Claire and Emma were just a speck in the distance now, and we were standing out of sight of the front doors of my office building. A few cars were driving past, but as we were on an industrial estate there wasn't exactly a passing crowd.

"Have you got five minutes?" he asked, tentatively, and I glanced at my watch. I wasn't exactly in a rush, but I did need to get back to my hotel and get ready for my date with Adam.

"Um, OK," I replied. I mean, the guy had driven all the way from London just to see me. I couldn't exactly say no.

I led him awkwardly round the side of the office building to a bench under some trees, in front of a small lawn.

"How are you?" he asked as we sat down.

"Fine," I answered. "You?"

"OK," he shrugged. "How come you're working here now?"

"I got a promotion, sort of," I explained. "It's only temporary, but I can apply for it permanently if I want. I'm just covering at the moment."

"Are you going to? Apply for it, I mean?" he asked.

"I don't know yet," I said, truthfully. "It's a nice change, but I miss London."

"Do you go home at weekends?"

"Usually," I nodded. "I stayed here last weekend though."


"We had a staff night out. Why are you here, Harry?" I asked, feeling uncomfortable with this safe yet awkward small talk. "You didn't come all this way just to ask me why I didn't go home last weekend."

"No," he said, looking at the ground. "I told you, I just wanted to see you."

"And I told you I didn't want to see you," I said bluntly.

"I didn't want to leave things on bad terms," he sighed.

"Why?" I asked, feeling frustrated. "It's not like we have to be around each other! I didn't think I was ever going to see you again. Why would you care?"

"I don't want you to hate me," he said, in a small voice.

I threw my hands up in the air. "Again, why would you care? Why can't you just get on with your life?"

He didn't answer, but looked away across the grass towards the car park. I followed his gaze, and suddenly had a horrible thought. I jumped to my feet.

"Oh my God," I said, clutching my neck with my hand. "Is this is set up? Have you got paparazzi watching us?"

"What?!" he asked in disbelief, lifting his head to stare up me. "What the hell - no of course not!"

No Control | Holding Me Ransom (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now