Chapter 1- past

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Chapter 1- past

****Amelia’s POV****

***flash back***

I opened my eyes I found myself in a unfamiliar place beside me was a backpack which was filled with stuff for survival. In my left hand was an envelope I opened it and read aloud

Dear Amelia,

I know you are angry with me for leaving you but it was for your own good. I am healthy and well and I hope you are the same. The reason for this letter is that I want you to send a message to the Cullens. The message is attached to this letter you won’t be able to understand it but I’m sure they will. You know you have found the right people when you see their gold eyes. Yes, they are vampires. It is important that you send this letter. I know you want answers but you won’t get them yet. They live in Juneau which is in Alaska. You have a map so I hope you find you way well.

I will always love you please remember that,

Your mother. 

I stared at the letter for a few seconds, before getting back to reality. Anger and rage filled me up. My mother. The person who brought me into this world left me and made my life a living hell expects me to be her delivery girl? One lonely tear dripped from my eye and landed on the paper. I scrunched up the letter and threw it to the side. I buried my face into my knees and sobbed. After a few minutes I got up and picked the scrunched up letter. I opened it and tried to straighten the creases. I read it over a few times absorbing the words. I looked at the message that she wanted me to take. She’s right, I can’t understand it. I didn’t know what to do. Should I stay or should I go? Maybe this letter would give me a clue to where my mother is? Wait why do I want to go back to her? I looked at the map and realized the only way was through the ocean. Damn England for being an island! I don’t even know on how to swim! I can’t go! Yes you can! No! Yes! No! Yes! If I go I wouldn’t be so lonely anymore. I looked at the map again and tried to make a route. After half an hour of trying I came up with a conclusion if I go I’ll have to go from Africa and swim to Brazil. I can’t do that! I am not going! A few days later the letter seemed to grow bigger. So I forced myself to go. It would be one step closer to know where my mother is because I need to get answers.

***end of flashback*** 

I opened my eyes to find myself surrounded by trees I was in the same place where I had closed them. I shuddered I didn’t want to remember why I was here I want to get it over and done with. I looked around trying to distract myself from the burn in my throat I ignored it as I always did. I was concentrating on the birds which were making a nest. What a beautiful source of nature. Unlike me. Everything about me my voice, my face, even my smell went against nature. So much it feels criminal. I got up and grabbed my backpack and headed north. I ignored my stomach, which was growling for food. It was night- perfect.

I ran as fast as I could through the forest. The trees were just a green and brown blur. As soon as I left the forest I stopped running I looked around making sure there was no-one out to spot me running. Great, there are people walking along the sidewalk. I put my hood on and walked at a normal pace. I walked down the street till no-one was in sight. Then I ran. I’m in America I need to get to Alaska, come to think of it I’m really lucky that she told me where to find the Cullens or I wouldn’t have come at all. I followed my instincts which were stronger than before. Much stronger. I ran for about another hundred miles before I stopped in front of a big sign I read it and realized I am in Canada. I took my bag off my back and took out my map examined it and realized I’m not far from where I seek.

I was exhausted through I knew I could go further but I didn’t want to take a chance of passing out. Beside me was a forest I walked in about three hundred yards before finding a tree to sleep on. The only reason I sleep on trees is that if someone wandered around in the forest no-one would find me. I found one; I climbed it and lay down on the branch I thought about what the Cullens would look like I couldn’t imagine it. I thought for few minutes and drifted into unconsciousness.

As I opened my eyes again I leaned on my left and fell off the branch. Ouch. That hurt. The pain was throbbing all over my arms and back. I ignored it. I climbed u the tree to retrieve my backpack and I ran. I ran for about five miles before I was out of the forest. It was sunset people were about. I again put my hood up and walked at a normal pace. I tried to be invisible. So no-one would notice me. It was about 14 minutes before the streets were empty. I took the advantage to run. I ran and ran and ran but I wasn’t tired yet. I wanted to find the place I seek today. I entered the border line of Alaska. I stopped and acknowledged my emotions.

Hungry. Tired. Thirsty…

But I couldn’t give up yet. I carried on running till I was I was on the outskirts on Juneau. Alaska’s capital. I have finally made it. I sat at a stump of a tree I opened my backpack and searched for the letter that led me on this wild goose chase.  Well it’s only a goose chase when the other person’s running. Flashes filled my mind of my life of my life before my mother left me. I drifted and I dreamed. Usually I have nightmares but not tonight. I was in a maze and there was no way out. I closed my eyes and tried to follow my instincts. But, there was still no way out.

I peered to see if there was anyone around. I saw one person walking off. I screamed but they didn’t turn around I tried to turn around but I stumbled. I closed my eyes so could feel the pain. There wasn’t any. That’s when I opened my eyes for real. I realized I had drifted off I also realized I was sweating and panting. I tried to calm down my breathing before setting off again. It was day time.

Great. Good thing I’m not far. I knew since they are vampires they would live somewhere remote. I wandered around for about an hour before I found it. In front of me was a beautiful three story house about one hundred years old. The garden was full of exotic flowers. I stared at it like an idiot before getting back to reality. I walked up to the porch, climbed up the steps. I did three quick taps on the front door. After a few minutes of waiting the door opened. It was a man his hair is blonde, his features are angular. And his eyes are gold. Yes I have found it. I couldn’t think for words I was too struck by his beauty. After a few minutes I spluttered out

“Is this the residence of the Cullens?”   

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