harry- meeting him.

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It was a friday night and yet again you were stuck inside because your friends decided to leave you for a party that you wasn't even invited to! You were bored out of your mind. You got up from your couch and went to the kitchen. Looking through the cupboards finding nothing to eat. You decided that you would go to the little diner at the end of your street. You grabbed your keys and purse and headed to the diner. You walked in and heard laughter you looked around and saw a group of boys.

You reconized them as the sidemen, you watched some of their videos but watched harry more than the others. You looked at what you were wearing and noticed you were wearing a sidemen hoodie. You walked to the till and orderd some pizza and a hot chocolate. You sat down on the other side of the diner and waited for your food. 5 minuites later a man stumbled in and you could tell he was drunk out of his mind. He looked over the diner, his eyes landing on you, a smug smirk on his face as he made his way over to your table. "Hey b-baby, you looking for a good time tonight?"he slurred. You realized the boys went silent and were looking in your direction.

"No thank you, i think youve got me mistaken for someone else." You replied.

The guy laughed evily, grabbed your waist and pulled you against him trying to pull you out of the diner.

"Let go of me! I dont know who you are! Someone help!" You exclaimed.

Harry ran up to the guy and pushed him off of you.
"Hey! Leave her alone!"
"Cause shes a friend of mine and i dont want you touching her!"

"Sorry pretty boy" the guy said and held his hands up.

He then walked off.

"Oh my god harry thank you so much!" You exclaimed as you hugged him. He hugged you back.

You ended up sitting with the guys and exchanging numbers with the boys.

You got home and couldnt wipe the smile off of your face as harry had texted you goodnight. ☺

Hope you enjoy! Xx ☺☺

Faith 💜

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