JJ#2 -The disstrack.

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Y/n pov♡
Its lunchtime and im currently sat waiting for the guys to finish filming so we can go to nando's.

At the moment there is loads of beef and shit going on between ethan and JJ, Deji and the rest of the guys. Its insane. Im not usually one to get involved, me and tobi are always team SKRRRR. However, JJ is currently in LA. I have no clue what he's is going to do. I have no part in what he does towards the guys. Im friends with them all.

I was sat in the kitchen of the sidemen house when my phone pinged with a notification from twitter.
ChrisMD mentioned you in a tweet.
Huh? I clicked the notification and was met with him talking about a diss track?

ChrisMD@:  deji went way too far in his diss track but bringing y/n into it like that. way to far man.😯🙁 @/yourtwitername/

My phone started going mental with tweets and mentions from people asking if i had seen deji's disstrack or if i was okay.
The guys, im guessing they are all filming still.

What is going on? Im so confused.

I go on to youtube and type in dejis channel name.

First video pops up.

Fuck the Sidemen- DISSTRACK.

Okay? I click it and full screen the video.

It starts and deji starts talking shit about the guys one by one he goes through all of them. He goes pretty hard on Ethan, then josh and freya, then simon.

He went pretty hard. What he said about freya is just disgusting.

Then it got to me.
(Im gonna make this up as an added bit on to deji's actual disstrack.)

"Now on to little old y/n,she be  using my brother just for the fame. All she wants is money and attention. (gold digger). She be whining to her friends about having big tits when in reality there just plastic shit. (Oh but did she tell you), she dont give a fuck about her fans. She used to be a bitch, (lol who am i kidding she still is a bitch). You ride my brothers nuts like a squirrel for his acorn.  Now im not gonna lie to my fans but i preferd seana. Atleast she was a better girlfriend to my bro! Chilling with stuffed animals cause you have no friends and its weird that you love them more than your boyfriend. Pft your pathetic. Your a stupid irrelevant little bitch."
(Bits in brackets are the addlibs)
And it finished there.

I sat there jaw dropped with tears in my eyes. How could he do that. To his own brothers girlfriend! I went to school with JJ and Simon! Ive known him since he was fucking 15! What the fuck? How can he sit there and say those things.

My phone buzzes in my hand. A tweet from JJ. Please tell me he's sticking up for me. 🙏

@/K.S.I/ oh my god @/Deji/ that is the sickest diss track ive ever heard! Good job bro! 🔥🔥🔥

No way. That didnt happen. He did not just tweet that.

Imedietly the group chat on text that all the guys, me, Freya and Talia are in starts going mental. They are all messaging JJ through it telling him that the tweet was well out and asking if i was okay. I left the group chat.

Tears were now rolling down my face.

How could my own boyfriend say that his own brothers diss track that included his girlfriend was sick. On twitter aswell!

Ill tell you what hes fucking lucky hes in LA right now cause if he was here i would have fucking layed into him!!

I feel like a complete mug.

I slam my phone on the counter and get up. I walk up the stairs and into mine and JJ's shared room. I open the wardrobe and grab a pair of nike leggings and a new sdmn top. I go into the bathroom and change into them.

I leave our room and walk into the gym. I put the radio on and Not Afraid by Eminem came on.

I grabed the boxing gloves and walked to the boxing bag.

Its the only way i can think of that will take my anger out with out seriously injuring one of the brothers.

I started to rapid punch the bag whilst tears ran down my face.

I cannot fucking believe they both had the fucking cheek to do that!

I stood there still punching when i heard a sigh. I ignored it and kept hitting the bag, breathing heavily.

"You know punching that bag isnt gonna sort it all out y/n" i heard simon say sympathetically.

"It stops me from breaking one of their fucking necks." I spat. Not looking at him or pausing my assault on the bag.

"Did you find her?!" I heard josh say from just outside the room.

"Yeah shes in here assaulting the boxing bag." Simon said. 

I heard aload of foot steps come towards the entrance of the room.

still hitting the bag, JJ is in for it when he gets back. I hit alot harder than before that i knock the bag off the hook.

I stood breathing heavily.

"Jesus y/n chill. Youre gonna hurt yourself." Tobi exclaimed.

I whipped round and fixed him a cold stare. I pointed my glove at him.

"Dont you fucking tell me what to do. Dont tell me you wouldnt be mad if your other half's brother released a fucking disstrack and spent a whole 10 minuites fucking chatting shit about you and accusing you of shit. Tell me you wouldnt be mad! Cause i know damn fucking well you all would be fucking furious! And then for my own boyfriend to say he enjoyed the fucking thing and that it was sick! Is fucking mad!!" I shouted. Breathing heavily.

"Y/n we understand why you are mad. Were mad and disapointed at the both of them. What Deji said is far from the truth. Jide is a prick for saying what he did. Dont beat yourself up about it." Vik said.

"You guys are right im sorry." I said quietly.

Simon came and gave me a hug.

The guys went downstairs whilst i went and got in the shower. After a quick shower i got changed into some comfy clothes (jeggings and a tie dye sdmn top) and went downstairs.

"You guys ready to go nando's?" I said as i walked into the kitchen

"Yeah sure" Ethan replied.

We all got up and got into cars to drive there.

I was passenger whilst simon drove with harry and Ethan in the back.

The whole ride there i was on my notes on my phone thinking.

Then i got it.

I should write a diss track back.

Yes! I should! The guys apart from simon dont know that im a musician. I sing occasionally. But never post it on my youtube.

Thats what ill do! Ill write a disstrack back to deji and put it on my youtube! 🙌

Those brothers aint ready for the storm im about to cause.

I dont care if one of them is my boyfriend im going to ruin them and show them what it means to be embarrassed. 😏

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