Harry #5

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Y/n's pov
"Thank u, next. Im so fucking greatful for my ex! Thank u, next!" I called at the top of my lungs as i make breakfast.

"Im greatful for your ex for being a prick so i get to wake up every morning to you being adorable." I hear a voice from behind me. I turn around blushing to harry leaning against the door frame.

He walks over to me and wraps his arms around my waist.

"I love you so much baby, you have no idea." He says kissing my lips.

I turn round in his arms and continue making us breakfast.

"I love you too harry, you have no idea." I peck his cheek.

"Oh, dont forget we are meeting up with the lads and the girls at the pitch later to film" i said smiling.

"Oh yeah how could i forget that we are teaching you guys how to play football." He laughs.

"Hey, i know how to play! I just havent in a while!" I called giggling.

Time skip

Weve just arrived at the pitch and we are of course the last ones to arrive.

We set up and get all the equipment in place.

Simon starts recording and the video starts. He goes through and introduces everyone.
The lads start of showing us some techniques on how to score and afew trick shots.

We decided that each girl would shoot at the same time as one of the guys.

I smirked "dibs on me and harry going last!" I called.

Everyone started shooting together with the occasional hit.

Me and harry steped up to the line, i leaned over and whisperd in his ear to hit the cross bar.

He nodded and we counted down, we both hit the ball at the same time. We both quickly turned around and faced the camera. I lent on harry's shoulder with my arm. We heard the ping of the crossbar, everyone went mental and ran to me and harry.

"Who hit it?" I called.


Harry picked me up and swung me around as the guys and girls surrounded us. They grabbed us and started jumping up and down.

We finally calmed down and started ending the video.

"How the fuck are you so good at football?" Ethan asked.

I wrapped my arms around harrys waist.

"I mean i learn from the best" i smiled and kissed harry on the cheek.

The girls aw'ed and the boys started making gagging noises.

"Oi fuck off!" Harry called blushing.

We ended the video and packed away.
We all ended up going to nandos and chilling back at the sidemen house afterwards.

Safe to say we had fun 😂

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