Harry -#4

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Y/n's pov◇
Me, Freya and Talia are currently walking around Westfield's chatting and laughing away.

My phone started ringing in my pocket. We stopped at a bench and i put my bags down to get it out.

I saw that vik was ringing me.

"Whos that?" Freya asked.

"Its Vik" i said, my eyebrows knitting together in confusion.

I clicked accept.

"Hey vik, whats up?" I said nervously.

"Ermm....y/n dont hate us but we were filming a sidemen video and harry got really hurt, so were currently at the hospital waiting for results from the doctor to see whats wrong with him. Its pretty bad, you need to get here asap, hes panicking." Vik rushes.

My face drops.

"Shit okay, are you at the one round the corner?!" I call tears filling my eyes.

"Yes! Hurry" he hangs up.
I put my phone away and grab my bags.

" we need to go to the hospital round the corner now! The guys were filming a video and Harry got really hurt. Lets go." I rush out to the girls. We grab our stuff and head to my car.

We get in and drive to the hospital, i switch the engine off and we get out.

We rush in to the front desk.

"Hi what room is Harry Lewis in? Im his girlfriend." I rush.

"Room 306 down the hall to your right." She smiles.

"Thank you!" I call as we run down to his room.

We reach the room and see the lads sat around Harry lying down.

Hes awake and laughing. Thank god for that.

I open the door.

"Harry lewis what have you done now!" I call.

The guys stop laughing.

"Babe, im fine, just broken my wrist, its fine." Harry laughs.

"You had me worried, i thought you had died or something!" I giggled walking up to him and giving him a hug.

"Please can you be more careful next time, i hate to see you get hurt." I say pouting like a child.

Harry kisses me and laughs.

"Ill try baby girl" he says and pulls me closer.

All in all, im happy hes okay.💙

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