Simon #2- meeting him

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Y/n's pov♡

So it is currently 8 pm and you were going going to meet youre boyfriend at nando's's. He said he was gonna come and pick you up but he then changed it and said that he wasn't able to because his car was broken or something. Idk.

You arrived and walked in. You looked around and found an empty table for two that happend to be placed by a group of about 9 guys and two girls, so you went and sat down your table. You ordered yourself a glass of wine and waited for your boyfriend to show up.

15 minutes past and in strolled your 'boyfriend' with some chick attached to his arm.

They walked to a table for two and sat down. Their table wasn't that far away from yours so you could hear what they were saying. He got up and went to order their food, you heard him call her babe and you immediately felt sick.

How could he?! After everything?!

You started tearing up but fanned back the tears as you didn't want to ruin your makeup.

He walked back over to their table and sat down.

You took your phone out and called him.

(EX)Bf: heyy whatsupp beautiful?

You: dont play dumb.

Bf: what do you mean.

You: you know what i mean, why don't you tell me about the girl you are cheating on me with?

Bf: babe, what on earth are you on about? Im not cheating on you. I love you and only you.

You: pfft really then if you ain't cheating on me then why can i see you RIGHT NOW sat a few tables away from me with this bitch?!

Bf: WHAT?! Why are you here?

You: oh i don't know. Did you maybe forget about our 8 month annerversairy?! You know what fuck you! Your a cheating asshole!

Bf: fuck you too then bitch. I never loved you!!

*hangs up*

Oh my god.

You stand up to leave and walk past the group of 9 boys and 2 girls. One of the girls shouts youre name.


"Freya?! Oh my god hi, how are you!" You say sniffing.

She gets up and gives you a hug.

"Babe are you okay? We heard everything. He doesn't deserve you"

"Ill be fine, it may take a while to get over but i guess It happens for a reason."

"You should join us!"

"I really don't want to intrude"

"It will be fine! The guys don't mind right?" She asked them.
They all replied with its fine, cool with me.

"Oh okay then why the heck not, I've got nothing better to do!"

Freya went round all of the guys an girls names and they seem like some really cool laid back guys. Although might i say that Simon is hot AF!

By the end of the meal and everybody getting to know each other, because you were sitting next to Simon on the end he gave you his number and asked if you wanted to hang out sometime but just the two of you. 😊😝

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