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y/n's pov:

im awoken by music blasting through mine and Freya's flat.
"ITS MY BIRTHDAY,ITS MY BIRTHDAY IMMA SPEND MY MONEY" its my birthday by blasted through the speakers. suddenly my door is swung open and Freya, Josh and Simon come into my room with confetti cannons. bad idea to sleep in kickers and a oversized tshirt.

"i swear to god dont set those off i dont wanna clean them up!" i shout.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" they all shout and fire the cannons at me.

"JESUS" i shout and grab the duvet to cover my face.

Freya jumps on my bed.

"youre 21 get up!! weve got breakfast. " she cheers.

i grab her leg and pull her down to hug her.

"bundle!" Josh shouts, soon enough both him and Simon jump on top.
"guys i appeciate the love but youre kinda killing me. let me get up atleast." i giggle.

they get off and leave the room, Simon hangs back and leans on the doorframe.

"happy birthday, were gonna have breakfast then weve got a long day planned for you. so get your butt up!" he smiled.

i blushed. fuck that crush really is starting to show.

"thanks Simon, i'll join you guys in a few im gonna freshen up." i smile and walk into my onsuite.
i go to the bathroom and brush my teeth, i walk out to the kitchen where i see the guys sat down. at the table, ballons and streamers everywhere.

"you guys! you did'nt have to do this! thank you so much" i pulled Josh and freya into a hug, then pulled Simon into a hug afterwards.

"we wanted to you only turn 21 once!" freya laughed.

i sat down next to Simon and tucked into the many pancakes on the plate infront of me,

eventually we all finished.

"ok! present time!" freya cheered
"you guys got me presents as well! you didnt have to!" i giggled.

im so greatful to have such great friends.

freya gets up and grabs a bag with presents in it.

"now we wrapped these this morning whilst you were asleep so these are from me, this is from josh and this is from Simon." she said as she placed them in different piles infront of me on the table.

"i love you guys, honestly just you being here is enough" i smiled.

"yeah yeah whatever open mine first" Josh waved off.

i laughed and grabbed his.

it was a medium sixed box i unwrapped it and saw that it was a Microphone for my camera. " oh my god Josh thank you so much! finnally i won't sound bad when i record. thank you!" i smile.

he smiled and nodded.

"ok mine now" Freya pushed hers forward.

there was a small one, a medium one and a fairly big one.

i opened the small one, inside the box was a keychain that said 21 on it. "thank you this is soo cute!" i smiled. i opened the medium one inside the box was ralph lauren purse. "holy shit thank you babe!"

next was the large one, it feels like a picture frame. "am i going to cry if i open this?" i asked laughing.

"maybe" Freya replied laughing.

i unwrapped it. tears sprung to my eyes. simon put his arm around me as i brought my hand to my mouth.

"you found it" i sniffed and smiled at her. "my nanna found a copy in her loft."

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