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(Song is Falling by Harry Styles but you knew that already 😉)
Y/n's pov.

"I'm falling again, i'm falling again, I'm falling. And i get the feeling that you'll never need me again. What am i now? What am i now? What if your someone i just want around. I'm falling again, I'm falling again, I'm falling. What if I'm down? What if I'm out? What if I'm someone you won't talk about? I'm falling again, I'm falling again, I'm falling."

I lie down on the couch and sing along to the music blasting through my shared flat with my best friend Ethan.

He's been out all day filming with the rest of the Sidemen.

Around 11am this morning i received a phone call from my now Ex boyfriend telling me that he had been cheating on me and couldn't hide it from me anymore, apparently he had proposed to the other girl so it was her over me.

Why do all the guys i date end up cheating? Is it something I'm doing wrong?

Its about 8pm and Ethan should be home soon. I just need an Ethan cuddle and a movie.

as its getting late i decide to turn the music down and just leave some low acoustics on. i hear keys in the door and suddenly Ethan is walking through the door carrying his bag of filming stuff.

he smiles at me "hey y/n, the boys have invited us to go to nandos in a bit, im gonna shower and then we can head out and join them yeah?" he asked as he walked towards his room.

i sniff. " im not really in the mood to go out, sorry Eth, todays not been so good." i said sadly.

he comes back out into the living room.

"aww how come? you were fine this morning when i left?" he asks sitting next to me on the couch.

"i- erm Alex rung me this morning he erm he said that he had been cheating on me for a year or so now and has actually proposed to the other girl so i guess it was her over me." i said sadly, tears filling my eyes.

"oh shit, im sorry that he did that to you why didnt you ring me? i could have come home and spent the day with you, you really dont deserve him y/n, he's such a prick. you'll find the right guy soon enough" he says sadly pulling me into a hug.

"i didnt want to interupt your filming with the guys and thanks Ethan it really means alot, now please go shower cause you fucking stink" i giggled.

"are you ok with going out with the guys? we dont have to we can stay here and binge some movies." he asked laughing.

"nah, it'll be good to get out plus seeing the guys would probably cheer me up, maybe when we get home afterwards then can we watch a movie?" i asked giving my puppy eyes.

"only if your sure, and of course we can, i'll go shower." he jogged off to the bathroom and i headed to my room to put some makeup on to cover the dark circles.

eventually Ethan finished getting ready. i pull a jumper on over my head and walk out into the living room to wait for  Ethan to finish so we can leave. i see Ethan walk out from his room.

we both laugh.

"how are we matching? why does this always happen to us?" Ethan laughs. we are wearing the same sidemen hoodie what the fuck.

"you ready to go?" he asks. i reply with yes and we leave the flat and go down to his car, we get in and he drives us to nando's to meet the guys.

"i messaged the guys earlier saying not to bring up Alex tonight as its a bad subject so hopefully the guys dont say anything." Ethan said not taking his eyes off of the road.

☆Sidemen Imagines.☆Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon