meeting him - freezy

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Its currently just after the dinner time rush and im working its the less favorite time to come in to nandos so not alot of people tend to come in this late. of course my boss wants me to work now as im the last person left, he had to leave and he wants me to do last orders so the cook can leave and then i can lock up. Being a waitress has its perks but hey! It pays the bills.
I was singing along quietly to callum scotts dancing on my own on the radio waiting for an old guy to finish so i can clean up i was sat at the bar wiping up the surface when a group of 9 boys walked in. I got up and grabbed some menu's and my note pad and made my way over to the table they had sat down on.

"Good evening my names y/n and i will be your waitress. Now, can i start you guys off with some drinks?" I asked with a smile as i gave them the menu's and grabbed my pen from my pocket. I got their drink orders and went to the bar and got them. I walked over and gave them to them. I then took their food orders and took them to the cook. Whilst i was wiping some tables the old guy at the back whistled.

*whistles* "oi sexy! Can i get another drink over here!?" He shouts, and pretty loudly may i add. The guys look shocked. I sigh and get my note book and pen and walk over to him. All the while hes eyeing me up and down. I reach his table and hes still looking me up and down. Tbh it makes me feel really uncomfortable, maybe wearing tight leggings was a bad idea... I sigh again. "What can i get you sir?" I ask. He smirks.
"I will have a pint of lager and a night alone with you so i can ruin your innocent ass." He says reaching his hand forward to grab my butt.

" im sorry but i cant do that im afraid. I can get you your drink but i cant do the other thing" i reply moving away from his reach.

He winks.

"Playing hard to get. I like it. Get me my drink sexy." He states.

I walk away as quick as possible. I almost run to the bar. I get his drink and run back to his table and give it to him. I go to the kitchen and grab the guys food and take it to them, still shaking slightly. You gave them their food and you managed to get a proper look at them. They were a good looking group of lads but one stuck out. He was amazingly good looking! They finnished so I started talking to the boys and getting to know them and asking if they did anything interesting today. They said they had been shopping and stuff and we just started chatting about things. I was stood at the side of the table talking when i felt a presence behind me. I was then picked up from behind and i realized it was the old guy. He had a pretty tight grip on me. He started pulling me back to the door to leave. I was putting up a fight but he was to strong. I hear chair scrapes on the floor and the guys get up. Tears were now streaming down my face. Im ripped out of the old guys grip by callum (they told me their names during the convocation) and he instantly hugged me. I hugged him back. There was shouting and swearing from the guys to the old guy. Callum kept asking me if i was okay and i just kept crying. Eventually the guy payed and left. I calmed down and callum was still hugging me. We decided to call it a night so they paid and i went out back to tell the cook he could go, only to realize he had already gone. 😑 so i walked back out front.

"Hey y/n, you free tonight? You fancy coming back to mine?" Callum asked.

I laughed. "Sure.. as long as your not a serial killer."

"Im not trust me." He replied Smiling.

Me and the rest of the lads swapped numbers as they were going back to theirs.

I went back to Callum's and we watched movies and cuddled on the sofa.

Over all the worst evening turned into the best! 😊💜
Long one for freezy! Its fairly similar to Harry's one.
Hope you enjoyed x 


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