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"Hello?" the voice answered causing me to go in shock. I covered my mouth to hide my squeal as I held the phone close to my ear. Crystal's eyes shot all the way open as she listened to the voice too. "Hello? Hello.." he repeated, looking for an answer back. "Say something!" she whispered.

"Say what!?"


I nodded then took a deep breath. I opened my mouth and finally spoke, "H-hello?" I said. "Yea, who this?" he asked in a deep voice. It was such a sexy voice, I almost melted. I took another breath then spoke again. "Um, my name is Alana and last night you gave me your number...at the diner." I heard a little chuckle come from the phone. Why was he laughing? He probably thought it was funny that I actually called. I knew this was a bad idea. "The waitress, right?"


"How are you beautiful?" I then began to blush. I pushed my hair behind my ear. Odell thinks I'm beautiful. "I'm fine," I replied. "I was expecting your call a little earlier, thought you might of threw my number out after all that drama with Amber." I shook my head, as if he could see me. "I guess I could understand why she was upset though, she is your girlfriend-" he cut me off. "No! No, no, no, she is definitely not my girlfriend." hearing him say that put a smile on my face. "Oh I just thought because she made it seem like you guys were together." he chuckled again. "Well not everything is what it seems, sweetheart."

"I guess you're right." I agreed. There was an awkward pause in the conversation. I was silent, but he was talking to someone else in the background. I looked at Crystal and saw how intrigued she was with the conversation. "What is he saying?" she mouthed. I shrugged then shh-ed her. "Alana, you still there?"


"Alright, I have to go to practice," he explained. "But I should be done in a couple hours..maybe, if you aren't too busy, we could go out to grab something to eat tonight." he suggested. "Um...are you asking me out?" Crystal jumped off the couch then grinned at me. She nodded her head, signaling me to accept his offer. "Yea, I was thinking maybe I could take you out to dinner or something tonight." he replied. Any sane girl would say yes, right?

"I would love to, but I can't." Crystal hit me in the arm. I jumped in pain. "Ouch!" I mouthed at her. "What the hell, Lana?!?" she mouthed back. I rolled my eyes then turned my attention back to the phone. "Umm I would love to, but I have work tonight so I-" suddenly I felt the phone leave my hands. "Hi, Odell right?" Crystal spoke in to the phone. I tried to reach for it, but she dodged me. "Yea, this is Alana's friend and I'll be covering for her tonight so she's as free as can be." she said then got off the couch. I chased her to the other side of the room and tried to grab my phone. "Yes, she's free anytime." I stopped struggling for the phone then just watched as they spoke. "Okay, 7:30? Perfect, she'll be there." she began to hang up, but then she pulled the phone up to her ear again.

"Oh and Odell? She loves seafood." I smiled. Crystal's always looking out for me. I watched as she reached for a pen and napkin. "Okay, yea...Alana says have a nice practice." she hung up the phone then handed it to me. "Here's the address, be there at 7:30, have fun." she said while handing me the written on napkin. She was about to leave, but I pulled her arm back. "Wait, I need your help." she shook her head. "Can't, have to get ready for work tonight, but he's taking you somewhere elegant so wear that maroon fitted dress with the black pumps." she said then headed for the door again. This time I didn't put up a fight.

She opened the door, but then stopped in the frame. "Oh and pull your hair up, makes it easier to see your eyes." and with that, she left my apartment.


I was on the road with fifteen minutes left to get to this location. I thought because of me living in New York my entire life that I would know every place in this state, but I was sadly mistaken. Wherever I was, it was easy to see that this area was definitely more for the upper class. I'm not saying we were poor growing up, but my dad was really cheap. So never would we ever go to one of these expensive food joints that only like to give you infant portions of food, but charge you vital organ type prices.

I looked down and saw my phone vibrating in the cup holder. I picked it up then placed it to my ear. "Hello?" I answered. "Hey baby sis." it was Mike. "Hey, what's up?" I replied. "Nothing, just seeing what you were up to." he said. "Oh, uh..just on my way to work." I responded, falsely. I know lying wasn't the best road to take but I don't think you understand. My brothers are crazy protective people and if they find out I was on my way to a date, they would have ten heart attacks. I never really ever dated because of my brothers, but when I did it was always an issue. I only really had two boyfriends. But both complained about my brothers threatening and showing up to the place all hours of the night just to see if I was there doing something I shouldn't be. They're crazy, right? But I love them. And even if I did tell them I couldn't just say I was having dinner with Odell Beckham Jr. I hear the way they talk about him. They basically praise him for all of the females he has swarming him. If I tell them that, they'll probably think I'm one of the groupies Odell's got in bed. That is if they even believe me.

"Alright then I'll talk to you later, call me if you need me Lana." said Mike. "Sean told me you had an issue over there last night, you know I'll set it off over there!" see what I mean? "I know Mike but I have to go now." I told him. "Alright, bye Lana." I hung up my phone then dropped it back in the cup holder. I looked at the time and noticed that there wasn't much time before I was late. But my GPS says it's only a block away. I've never been around this part of New York, but I had to admit, it was beautiful. There were tall buildings with string light hanging from corner to corner. It was breathtaking.

"You have reached your destination." the GPS spoke. I looked up to my left and saw a sign above a dim lighted building. "Figaro." I read aloud to myself. I tried my best to get a look inside, but the windows of the restaurant were really dark. I turned back to the road and saw an empty spot only a few feet from the entrance. Thank God I didn't have to circle this place for a parking spot. I pulled in then looked at my car clock. 7:30 on the dot. My phone started to ring again. Could of swore I told Mike I was at work. I picked it up and saw the number was unknown. "Hello?"

"Hey, I'm here." he informed me. I swallowed hard then took a deep breath. "So am I, I'll meet you at the entrance I guess." I said while getting out of my car. I looked up and saw him, back facing me with his phone to his ear. I giggled quietly. Knowing I was looking straight at him and him being completely oblivious to it amused me. I hung up then took another breath before walking over to him. I closed the door then began my way over. The sound of my heels clicking on the pavement began to slow down once I realized I was growing closer to him.

He shot around and smiled at me. "Hey, you look...wow." I blushed at my feet. He reached out his hand and took mine. He led me inside the restaurant with our hands interlocked. Odell's hands were much larger than mine and his grip was firm, but not discomforting. He wore a black leather jacket and black dress shirt. And his cologne smelled like heaven.

Jesus please let me make it through tonight without messing up.
Really bored so I just updated 😂

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