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I stormed past everyone and went straight for the elevator. Mike, Sean, and Aaron all looked concerned. But Aunt Rita looked down at her feet the entire time. "Lana? C'mere." Sean jogged over to me. I started to push the elevator button frantically just so that I could get out of here sooner. "Aye, what the hell is wrong with you?" he gripped my arm, but I snatched it away from him. "Alana?! Girl if you don't-"

"Leave me alone Sean." I said in a low, but serious tone.

Finally the elevator doors had opened. I walked inside and of course he followed. I pushed the lobby button then stood in the corner with my arms folded over my chest. "Really? You look like a big ass baby." he teased then pulled me into a hug while chuckling. I shook my head and began to sob. He thought my pain was a joke, but I knew how serious it was. "Shh, whatever you're crying about can't be that big of a deal. What is it? Odell? I know you miss him, but-"

"The doctor said there was no way daddy could be my father."

His eyes shot open with shock then he scrunched his face up in disbelief. "That's bullshit," he said then slammed his fist against the seventh floor button. "That has to be a mistake. You don't believe that, do you?" I put my hands over my face and broke down. There was no way I could be his daughter is what the doctor said. Why wouldn't I believe it? The elevator doors opened and when I tried walking out, Sean quickly grabbed and pulled me back. The door shut then I felt us being lifted right back up. "You need to calm down and chill out, it was obviously a mistake. I'll talk to the doctor and clear this entire mess up."

"What mess? How are going to clear up DNA? These people are professionals, they know how this shit is supposed to work." he rolled his eyes. "Everyone makes mistakes Lana, trust me. You're my little sister."

This would be a perfect time to be wrapped in Odell's arms right now. To have him with me and to make me feel better. To calm me down and to have my tears wiped away with those slender fingers of his. Anything, I'd take anything to see him. I don't even need to actually see him. I'd take a phone call. Or a hand written down letter. I was desperate to see how he was doing. And to know what he was thinking about. And to know if I was on his mind as much as he was on mine.

The elevator opened again and Sean basically dragged me out of it. He pulled me towards the doctor who was talking with a nurse outside of my dad's-...the patient's room. "I need you to take his blood, hopefully this with be a compatible batch." Sean cleared his throat causing the doctor to turn around. The nurse he was talking with walked away. "May I help you?" the doctor asked in a confused state. "Yea you can, I think you might've misread or misinformed yourself," he started. "But there's a mistake, my father is the biological father of all four of us." he sighed then shook his head. "Sir, I regret to inform you that the information I'm stating to you is valid. The blood should have no problem reacting to your father if this was the blood of a biological offspring." Sean chuckled again.

"Maybe you did something wrong because I know for a fact that this is my 100% blood related sister, look- Aunt Rita!" Sean called out for her.

I shook my head then looked down at my feet. For some reason I felt awkward about Aunt Rita being near me. I felt like she was hiding something. And she's usually so upfront and honest with me about everything. "Aunt Rita!" he called out again, her and Aaron walked over. "Stop yelling I'm right here, they made your brother give some blood up for your father. Mike should be back in a minuet." he shrugged. "I'm not worried about him right now Auntie, can you please explain to this crazy ass doctor that daddy is Lana's dad too because for some reason he wants to debate about some shit that is clearly false."

I looked at her and crossed my arms over my chest. In my mind I wanted to tell her out and say that I knew she wasn't being serious with me. I wanted her to tell me the truth and explain that I was actually adopted or some shit that would make me want to rethink my entire life. I know it would hurt, but the doctor already explained it. I'd much rather know the truth than to know I've been living a lie..and continue on. "Sean..I think your sister and I should have a moment alone." he shrugged. "Sure, whatever, right after you tell him that he made a mistake." he crossed his arms and looked at the doctor sternly. "My mom would never cheat on my dad," Sean blurted out. "She loved him too much, and if that was the case then he wouldn't be my dad's either." Sean pointed to Aaron. Aaron, stunned and surprised, was at a loss for words.

He was feeling the same exact was I was. To think that our family might of been lying about being our birth parents hurt. "Sean stop, Aaron, you are your father's son." Sean cheered then laughed in the doctor's face. "Ha! See! They're twins so obviously you did make a mistake!"

"Sean stop it! Okay? Lana you're not your father's daughter, alright?!" she admitted which broken my heart. I froze then just stared blankly at her. Sean was speechless as well. "B-but that's not possible, how could Aaron be-"

"It's actually possible for a mother to be pregnant at the same time with babies carrying genes from a different father," the doctor informed Sean. "It's rare in most cases, but most definitely possible." we all cut our eyes at him. I'm assuming he got the message that we weren't in the mood for a medical lesson in the interesting world of maternal and paternal affairs. "I'll leave your family alone and check on things with your dad." he awkwardly walked inside of the room leaving us to get back to our issue.

"So what does this mean? Mom was having an affair? I mean, if she was then who's to say we don't all have different fathers." she shook her head. "You don't, your mother wasn't having an affair...I was." Sean scrunched his eyebrows up. "What? What are you-!"

"Sean! Let her explain." Aaron cut in. "I wanna hear this."

"It was a long time ago, I had met my first husband and things were going well. At least that's how I thought things were going. Him and I got married, but he started coming home late so I immediately assumed he was messing around on me. I wanted revenge...to make a long story short, your dad isn't your dad because he's your uncle. You're mine Alana."
How y'all feel about this? Think this should have been told to Lana awhile ago?🤔🤔

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