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"Why can't you just tell me?" I asked Odell for probably the fifth time since we were done having sex. He had me in his arms, but once I asked him about the pills again, he let me go and rolled away from me. I sat up and looked at him frustratedly. "Really? Could you not be childish right now?" he let out a sigh. "I said I didn't want to talk about it anymore, and you keep bugging me...but I'm being childish?" he replied without even looking up at me. "Stop, don't even start. I'm just worried about you Odell."

"I don't want you to worry especially because I told you there's nothing to worry about."

"There is though, how much pain are you in that you have to take these pills like this?" he shrugged. "Please stop questioning me, doctor prescribed it so that's what I'm going to do." I rolled my eyes. "So let me see the bottle." I already know what the appropriate dosage of Odell's medication is. I also know he's lying straight to my face. "Why do you need to see the bottle, Lana?" he asked sounding irritated. "I just find it funny to believe that you're taking four pills at a time because of a little shoulder pain."

"Little shoulder pain? You trying to say I'm exaggerating or something?" he asked with a small chuckle and half ass smile. I didn't mean to offend him. I was just getting mad because I know he's not telling me the truth.

"I didn't say that, just let me see the damn bottle."

He sat up then shrugged his shoulders. "No, you're not my mom, my medicine is none of you business." I crossed my arms over my chest. "I never claimed to be your mom, nor did I ever say I wanted to be, but I'm your girlfriend so I'm concerned." he shook his head then got out of bed. "Where are you going?" I asked. He started to put his clothes back on and completely ignored me. "Odell? Stop it and talk to me." I reached over and grabbed his wrist. He stopped then leaned down. He pecked my lips softly. He pulled back slowly. I kept my eyes on his lips. I thought he was going to lean in for more, but he stood back up and zipped his pants.

"Stay the hell away from Luke," he said while walking over to the foot of the bed to grab his backpack, "And stay out of my business."

I sat back in bed with my arms folded and watched as he left my apartment.
"Yes sir, just for today though." I replied to Mr. Harry. I was working the afternoon shift today, but he was so used to seeing me at night. Today was his last day of evaluating the diner so when he saw me this early he was surprised to know that he wouldn't be saying goodbye to me tonight, instead now. "So I guess I should tell you that you have probably been one of the most hardworking employees I've ever had before." I blushed then shook my head. "No, I'm really not." I said with a light chuckle.

"Don't be modest Ms. Alana, I'm pleased to know that I have such well mannered staff working around here," he complemented me. "I thought Jacob was hiring you surely based on your looks, but now I know why." I pushed some hair behind my ear.

"Okay, that's enough, I have to get this food out to table four." he chuckled then nodded. I picked up the tray then began to walked out of the kitchen with Mr. Harry. He pushed the door open for me. "After you." I walked out with a smile then went over to the family that had been waiting patiently for their food. "Okay, two children's cheese burger meals, and two BLT's for mom and dad." they all smiled as I placed their food in front of them. "Enjoy."

They thanked me then I walked away. I stood behind the counter and waited for more people to arrive. It wasn't that full, but still a nice turn out. Then I looked up and noticed a car had carelessly parked in front of the diner. I could everything from the glass windows and door. Two women exited the car. They looked like they were in a rush and didn't seem happy. It wasn't until they approached the door I found out exactly who they were. I rolled my eyes.  These bitches must have no life.

They stormed inside the diner and approached me, but they were still on the other side of the counter. "You think it's funny to be a slut?" Tasha asked me in a low tone with her arms folded over her chest. "Excuse you? You're calling me the slut? I haven't slept with my boyfriend's best friends and don't ever plan to." I replied with a smirk on my face. "Oh hell no! You know nothing about Tasha and Odell's past! The shit happened a long time ago and they're both over it! You're just mad because the entire time Odell has been playing you!" the squirrel, Amber, was basically yelling and everyone was looking at us watching all this drama go on.

I decided not to interact with them. "Ma'am, can I get you a booth or would you prefer sitting on the stools?" Amber looked confused. "Bitch, are you serious?" Tasha put her hand up, signaling Amber to chill out.

"No A, she's just doing what she does the best..and that's nothing more than being the help," I looked up at her. She had this evil smirk on her face. "Doesn't it bother you to know that your boyfriend is hella paid, but your ass is still buffing tables and washing dishes? Doesn't it bother you to know that you're constantly being asked about in the media, but your man never wants to speak up about you? Doesn't it bother you that your man knew that we had sex...but didn't tell you a thing about it? Maybe he didn't want you to know because of his own personal agenda. Did he tell you that him and I shared the most passionate kiss that night I told him what I did to Jarvis? He told me I was beautiful and that if Jarvis and I weren't together he would have wifed me up a long time ago. I was going to hold my peace because I truly thought you were innocent and foolishly in love with Odell, but when I saw you leaving Jarvis' place yesterday morning..I thought I should let all the skeletons out now." I looked out the corner of my eye.

"I slept with Odell more than once! A couple times! While you two were together?...Maybe. I would do it again. And by the end of the week I guarantee he'll be in my bed."

I lost it then reached across the counter for Tasha. Next thing I know I was bashing my fist against her face repeatedly. I was then being yanked away from her by Jake. "Lana! Please calm down!" he begged. I let her go then broke down in tears. I felt embarrassed. Not only by her but by someone who supposedly loved me. "Get out of here!" Jake yelled at Tasha and Amber. Amber rushed out the diner leaving Tasha behind. Tasha walked out slowly while smirking at me.

Jacob basically pulled me into the kitchen. He sat me down on a table while I sobbed. He sighed then wrapped his arms around me. "Lana please stop crying." he whispered in my ear.

"What the hell was that?!" Mr. Harry stormed into the kitchen angrily. I sighed then wiped my eyes. "Mr. Harry, I'm so sorry-"

"After I just get done praising you and your work! This is what you do in my diner!? You can get your things and get out of my business!" I didn't even want to put up a fight. He was right. I disrespected his business by letting her get to me. "Dad calm down, it wasn't her fault." Jake stood up for me, and I thought that was sweet. "No Jacob! You need to learn how to not get so attached to these little girls and know how to properly run a business!" Jake shook his head. "Dad, Lana-" I grabbed Jake's arm and stopped him.

"It's okay Jake, I understand..I'm sorry for disrespecting your business Mr. Harry." he sighed then walked away. I sighed heavily then walked out the kitchen. Jake followed me out to my car. "I'm calling you tonight, just to make sure you're okay." I hugged Jake. Never in a million years would I thought Jake would be someone I'd be comforted by..and actually be okay with it. "Thanks Jake." I got in the car then drove off to Odell's house. We have some stuff to discuss.
😳 Feels about Alana? Feels about Odell? Feels about Tasha? Y'all confused because at first they were fucking, then they weren't, now they might be😩🤔 damn 😔

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